Sorry for your loss. Not a bad auld way to go in his sleep if it’s any consolation. I am dreading the day.
That dog has the place wrecked
Does he like the owl reggae and dub?
Its terrible. I remember a couple of years back and being at a sales meeting. One of the lads said to the boss that he needed to go home because the dog had been knocked down and killed. I remember at the time being absolutely passive about the whole thing and inside my head telling him to “cop the fuck on” 18 months after getting our dog, I know exactly what he was going through and I’d never be so passive again
lol lots going on pal
Still a pup…Im teaching!
Her name is bunny, I shit you not. my little jack Russel is bob just need a tosh
A beaut
Is she a wailer?
All mammals born in Ireland are wailers pal dont forget
We’re taking my pedigree bitch to get lined down the country this weekend. We had a look at her lineage and her prospective suitors lineage. Fuck sake! The names! Talk about pretension!
Therefore, I’m looking for suggestions for pretentious IKC suitable names for the progeny of this furtive union, god willing, should there be any.
Gimme the lines and ill give you a name. Bitch
No fucking way. The best you can hope for is I’ll use wan of the suggestions.
Make it a good wan.
What breed are they?
Tipp4sam, for example
A rare wan