Attacks on Urban Ireland

I can tell you mate, it ain’t farmers that’s killing the planet. It ain’t farmers that dump tonnes of plastic in our oceans.

It’s remarkable how some lads are so keen to vote for charlatans who insult their intelligence at every turn.

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id prefer to listen to the scientists mate & oirsih farmers certainly are

lads who drink cow secretion to blame

In Ireland the Agriculture sector was directly responsible for 37.5% of national Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions in 2021, mainly methane from livestock, and nitrous oxide due to the use of nitrogen fertiliser and manure management.

@Ceist if 37% of greenhouse gases in Ireland is caused by agriculture, should consumers stop drinking cow secretion & is it weird for 1 species to drink the secretion of another?

Bertie bankrupted the country mate. Leo the leak then brought shame to the office with a series of scandals. Need ROD in charge to restore some order

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I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

Are these the same scientists who supported Covid apartheid for nigh on two years

yes, that wasnt what he was saying though, he was saying rural ireland was never represented

No, i dont think the scientists that specialize in climate change would be the same scientists that specialize in infectious diseases.

do you actually think they are?

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It’s all science mate.


So scientists are picking nitrous oxide and methane out of the air and tracing it back to farms?
It’s gas how quickly you forgot about carbon once it turned out farms were carbon neutral. You hadn’t r heard of nitrous oxide a month ago, suddenly it’s an existential threat?

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Methane is grand pal, it’s gone in three years.

Its just resting in your account

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Huh? The skanger has been banging nitrous oxide for years

You’re going to go buckape when you find out about cats….