Auld birds you would shag (Aka The Liz Hurley thread) šŸ

Itā€™s a good follow up to Inglorious. Another counter-history, long scenes of dialogue and tension when Brad Pitt goes to check out the Mansons, an explosion of violence at the end which is glorified and also comical, wish fulfilment for the director.

When I saw Inglorious I couldnā€™t quite understand the controversy and the allegations that Tarantino had gone spiritually bankrupt. What was he supposed to do, forgive the nazis? I thought Inglorious was fundamentally a tragedy, in that this didnā€™t happen. It was also very clever like the end when Brad Pitt looks at the camera and carves the swastika onto the audience. After Once Upon a Time I can understand the criticism a little better, in that Tarantino spends all his time fantasising about horrific acts of violence against bad people that he thinks deserve it. Everyone does that a bit but they donā€™t all glorify it (Iā€™m reminded of the Psalms where the speaker fantacizes about smashing her enemies babies brains out on a rock).

Tarantino is a radical.

I think you overthought that.


One for pseuds corner

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Brad Pitt is a proper actor. A throwback to an earlier time.


Hateful 8 is a horrid film.

Didnā€™t like that one. Way too violent.

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Hateful 8 and Pulp Fiction are his weakest movies

No humour, just gratuitous nastiness. It made me feel the worse for watching it.

Watched 20 minutes of it and switched it off. I felt better about myself after doing that.

You were right. It only got worse.

An utterly shite film from start to finish with scenes clean lifted from classic movies and just lengthened out and made shit. Tarantino needs someone to edit at least an hour off the self indulgent shit that he writes and directs these days and they might come up with a passable film.

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Thatā€™s probably the worst one.

Everyone is allowed a dud here and there. The man has given us some of the greatest movies ever made.

Iā€™d say you just didnā€™t get it.


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Anyway, getting back on track here chaps, if anyone wants to see Kate Beckinsale doing it doggy style, check out her Instagram page.


Iā€™d say a lot of it went over your head.


Hateful 8 wasnā€™t just a dud though, it was what he wanted. A horrible film with horrible characters, a horrible story and superfluous violence.
Was like Roald Dahl in a downphase.

35 unread threads on the Auld birds thread! must be a cracker of a post followed by more.

Oh no, wait.

Tarantino is shit. No heā€™s not. You dont understand him. Fuck off.
