Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

Elm Tree in Glounthane

Of a sunday? No roaster carvery pictures either you deviant

We went for carveryā€¦ Had an egg hunt in Fota house at 3.45 so did carvery on the way. I went for corned beefā€¦ Havenā€™t had it in an age, it was unreal.

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You could have gotten a better one.

Ah fuck off.


Exactly how I felt.
It was some stuff called poretti.
Iā€™m only just starting to escape the overwhelming feeling of impending doom.
Iā€™m on the early ferry tomorrow and Iā€™m torn inside out with turmoil.

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Thereā€™s always next year


First encountered that Angelo Poretti at a wedding in the Italian hills a good few years back. Absolutely roasting and it was like nectar.

Ya big blouse

Yep. A great big blouse.

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How many eggs you hunt down? Theres always a fair selection in there

The Harp comeback tour

I was in a heap laughing at this fellaā€¦ Then i spotted the reply and i was in convulsions

He got me again :joy:

Iā€™d a hape of Beamish in the tinny shed yesterday. Lovely pints. The kids getting me up at 7 not so lovely.



In a pub yesterday afternoon that made bloody Maryā€™s finished with Guinness. Never came across it before. They were sensational.

Was it a good hen party?


Iā€™m as rough as a badgerā€™s arse all day. Went to town on the ale last nightā€¦

Iā€™ve lost all grĆ” for going for pints these days.
Iā€™d say I havenā€™t had more than a total of 6 pints in the local in the past 8 weeks. Iā€™m not even sure when I last went for a few Sunday evening pints which used be my regular time slot.

On the flip side, Iā€™m in serious nick fitness wise.