Aussie Rule Brawl

Every time you think its over…

Best part of it is the fact that the game continues in the background!

As Bandage would say, ah lovely…



It shows more than anything how fit those cunts are, not easy fighting for that long, and the fact that only one guy went down from a punch was amazing.
Big blondie guy from the blue & yellows was really up for it.

I wonder were the refs being cute and watching who was involved for a report, or were they just too shitless to go in and stop it. They were significantly smaller than the players.

Was that a amatuer game or what do you know?

It happened a couple of years back, had got this sent onto me before on email. the 2 teams are based in Victoria, but not in the VFL, which is like the reserves leagues for the AFL. So they are completely amateur players playing in a local league.

That tall number 35 blonde lad must have got a punch in at every player!

Refs are told not to interfere in fights, that to keep the game playing is the way to get them to stop. not sure if anything came out of this with suspensions or fines, but you’d have to imagine, or hope there was!

A few of the comments on youtube refer to 6 week suspensions I think, seems like a few of the lads commenting knew the story behind it. The blonde fella (25?) got around thats for sure, a decent bit of a scrap, thought one guy was running away from it at first until I realised the game was still going on. :smiley:

That blonde lad was well up for it alright. Got enough of it wherever he went looking for it though

That blonde lad threw a headbutt too, the dirty cunt.

Head butting and kicking in the head are probably the two worst things you can do in a fight. I did head butt a fella once but that was back in school and he was a cunt.

Headbutting is all wrong, unless your fighting travellers, its the only chance you’ve got.
A young fella i know got head butted recently by a surfer down in Lahinch, the whole side of his face is still numb, and he broke a cheek bone. Think its going to court, yer man had done it a few times apparently and got away with it.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Headbutting is all wrong, unless your fighting travellers, its the only chance you’ve got.
A young fella i know got head butted recently by a surfer down in Lahinch, the whole side of his face is still numb, and he broke a cheek bone. Think its going to court, yer man had done it a few times apparently and got away with it.[/quote]

There’s no point head butting a traveller, you’ll only end up with a sore head. I havn’t been in a fight in ages actually. I thought we were going to get in one on Friday night but the situation fizzled out fairly quickly.

I found myself in one a couple of months back… Stepped in to break up a potential fight and from behind the crowd some cunt jumped forward and absolutely leathered me. Him and his mate then waded into me and I just swung like mad… I was getting too many jabs so I just chrged the cunts and got them on the ground and we rolled aound the club floor till the bouncers came along!! Some rush, but i had a massive shiner after it… The last time I step in for anyone, could easily have been a bottle I got.

Was that Geoff Campbell from Summer Bay running on in his school shirt and jeans about 40 seconds in?

Being able to clean a bit of house is a talent I really wish I had, unfortunately Im not nasty enough for it. Played with a few Maori lads who would have you turned upside down before you knew youd done anything wrong.