Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 906371, member: 24”]Bloody hell.

This is one of the threads I have fuck all interest in so I rarely click in but it looks as if I have been missing out.[/quote]
On what? You haven’t missed out on anything, just more shite from the most boring poster on the site, mickee. This is possibly the worst thread on TFK.


Agree on mickee. I think enough of us have exposed him now, I’m done rattling that cage.

Disagree on the thread though anything that informs people of the human rights violations that continue today here is a good thing

But it also has contributions from the most entertaining poster on the site, @caoimhaoin.

64 days and not 1 refugee boat has hit our shores

Some classic diversion tactics from the Australian Government. They are robbing people blind all over the place yet all they talk About is a few boats. It’s hilarious.


good to see the chinese bring up Australias human rights breaches with their stop the boats policy at their latest meeting

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 907401, member: 80”]+1

good to see the chinese bring up Australias human rights breaches with their stop the boats policy at their latest meeting[/quote]

That’s kinda ironic.
They are slipping in A few law changes at the moment to start making pensioners and the like pay the on e free public doctors now.

The funniest thing I heard in a long time is they are thinking about bringing in a system that state funded athletes will have to pay back the government if they don’t perform well at Olympics etc. mental.

USSR anyone?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 907406, member: 273”]That’s kinda ironic.
They are slipping in A few law changes at the moment to start making pensioners and the like pay the on e free public doctors now.

The funniest thing I heard in a long time is they are thinking about bringing in a system that state funded athletes will have to pay back the government if they don’t perform well at Olympics etc. mental.

USSR anyone?[/quote]

the minister of finance is a dick, lecturing to europe to end their entitlement culture

cutting back on services but buying planes to stop the boats

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 907408, member: 80”]the minister of finance is a dick, lecturing to europe to end their entitlement culture

cutting back on services but buying planes to stop the boats[/quote]

Have you any articles handy where he is lecturing to Europe. I could do with a laugh. The hypocrisy could hit TFK levels.

was watching Q&A on Thursday, that IMF bird was on it, she was asked what she thought if his comments & she basically said he was talking shit, he hates europe btw

I found one from Gillard. Fucking hilarious. She kept her mouth shut about the US. It’s funny how much Australia is Americas bitch.

Asked to comment on the government’s move to end the “age of entitlement”, Ms Lagarde told the ABC spending remains essential in some areas.

“Investing in health, investing in education, making sure that there are equal opportunities for all is something where public money is needed. It is not a question of entitlements,” she said.

Ms Lagarde also championed public spending on large infrastructure projects, “where the return on investments is going to be years and years away”.

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 907410, member: 80”]was watching Q&A on Thursday, that IMF bird was on it, she was asked what she thought if his comments & she basically said he was talking shit, he hates europe btw[/quote]

Some serious arrogance in the ABC interview.
They are attempting an economic genocide of certain sections of Australian society.

Have you seen any of ye videos going around where people on Harley’s have been pulled over? Some funny shit. One where a guy was pulled over cos he was wearing a badged cut jacket. Now on inspection it was clear it wasn’t an illegal Bike gang symbols. There ends up being 5-6 squads cars, armed cops and all this at a petrol station. Yet man knew his rights and mentions he’d been pulled 20 times or so.

There is 2 things about these new gang association laws that I don’t get.

  1. It’s a clear impingement in people’s civil liberties and rights.
  2. Bikies are the most obvious and stupid criminals in the world. They basically go around with “I’m a criminal” written in their backs. They deal in fear and violence, but not much cunning. Why the fuck are the cops that stupid that they can’t isolate and take the real criminals down.

It’s bizarre and dreadfully lazy policing to bring in this law.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 907413, member: 273”]Some serious arrogance in the ABC interview.
They are attempting an economic genocide of certain sections of Australian society.

Have you seen any of ye videos going around where people on Harley’s have been pulled over? Some funny shit. One where a guy was pulled over cos he was wearing a badged cut jacket. Now on inspection it was clear it wasn’t an illegal Bike gang symbols. There ends up being 5-6 squads cars, armed cops and all this at a petrol station. Yet man knew his rights and mentions he’d been pulled 20 times or so.

There is 2 things about these new gang association laws that I don’t get.

  1. It’s a clear impingement in people’s civil liberties and rights.
  2. Bikies are the most obvious and stupid criminals in the world. They basically go around with “I’m a criminal” written in their backs. They deal in fear and violence, but not much cunning. Why the fuck are the cops that stupid that they can’t isolate and take the real criminals down.

It’s bizarre and dreadfully lazy policing to bring in this law.[/quote]

in QLd they are cutting public services on 1 hand and the other is filling the jails which costs a shit load with people that have done nothing wrong,

Abbot is now going after the unions & workers rights, he is basically a thatcherite pig. At leats in britian people stood up to her & there was civil disobedience, here its all about looking after number 1

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 907414, member: 80”]in QLd they are cutting public services on 1 hand and the other is filling the jails which costs a shit load with people that have done nothing wrong,

Abbot is now going after the unions & workers rights, he is basically a thatcherite pig. At leats in britian people stood up to her & there was civil disobedience, here its all about looking after number 1[/quote]
Coukdn’t agree more.

Do you discuss such matters with your better half and how does she take it?

My woman is pretty uninterested in it all bar the treatment of the Indigenious. But he two family’s are polar opposites. Fathers side is like you describe, self centered, head buried in the sand about anything that may pit Ray Australia negatively (constant head burying so) where as the other side are very travelled, more educated, more realistic and honest. The big difference I think is the travel. Those who hae travelled have a different outlook.

Sounds like a right cunt of a place.

I dunno, you could be right, but who better to tell us all about that an Italian Russian from Fingal and a builder from Cork?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 907419, member: 273”]Coukdn’t agree more.

Do you discuss such matters with your better half and how does she take it?

My woman is pretty uninterested in it all bar the treatment of the Indigenious. But he two family’s are polar opposites. Fathers side is like you describe, self centered, head buried in the sand about anything that may pit Ray Australia negatively (constant head burying so) where as the other side are very travelled, more educated, more realistic and honest. The big difference I think is the travel. Those who hae travelled have a different outlook.[/quote]

id say she is slightly embarrassed about the whole thing, who wouldnt be with Abbot.

One thing I would say Kev, if you & your bird do have kids, you should relocate here for a few years, the facilities & outdoor focus are second to none & it will be great for them. Im home in May but will be back again somewhere down the track so they can have another year here when they are older. hopefully by then the bubble will have burst, its less expensive & people are less materialistic

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 907430, member: 80”]id say she is slightly embarrassed about the whole thing, who wouldnt be with Abbot.

One thing I would say Kev, if you & your bird do have kids, you should relocate here for a few years, the facilities & outdoor focus are second to none & it will be great for them. Im home in May but will be back again somewhere down the track so they can have another year here when they are older. hopefully by then the bubble will have burst, its less expensive & people are less materialistic[/quote]

Ya, much like that we’re going to Ireland for a expected 2-3 years and re-evaluate, probably will have a kid or two by then. There is certainly parts of Oz I would go to. Brisbane has wonderful facilities alright, and the irony is I didn’t appreciate Brisbane for what it was till I left. It sounds cruel, but I do think they need a recession, a bad one. They think they are infallible. Yet all they have is a mining sector completely reliant on other countries being successful.

But for all the facilities, weather etc, I think Ireland is still a better place to bring up kids for them to become good adults. Young Irish people in my experience are much more rounded and educated.

We would be lost without them.