Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Its true outsiders can cut thru the shit sometimes. The people inside the environment often are entrenched by years of lies and can’t see the wood from the trees.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 906455, member: 273”]’

Agree on mickee. I think enough of us have exposed him now, I’m done rattling that cage.

Disagree on the thread though anything that informs people of the human rights violations that continue today here is a good thing[/quote]


I felt with the nerves I was touching you were only getting more an more frustrated and trying to hit back and spending too much time thinking about it and in here. I did it so you could spend more time with your family. I regret that I became part of the problem.

To be fair @Gman has the nickname “Highbrow” in certain circles…

Bloke culture/roid rage all in one… What a shit arse country

a country full of failures, fisty is well at home there

One of the hardy bucks gets a right good sucker punch about 28/29 seconds in… boom!

what a shaper, hilarious

Little Fiji doing the right thing. Will the craven Aussies follow suit?

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 1085695, member: 363”]Little Fiji doing the right thing. Will the craven Aussies follow suit?[/QUOTE]
No chance. I would say if you had a vote on it in WA & QLD you would lose heavily (in favour of both flag retention and being part of the commenwealth).
I think there is something like 400k British expats there alone (1.2m in all Oz) and god knows how many first and second generation. They really see it as England in the sun.

There may be different tilts in Vic & NSW, but overall I’d say it’s years away.

It would have huge symbolic advantages for a more inclusive society, but a huge part of the white population don’t want that.

Inclusive society is code for replace whites with scum. Cop on

Cat got your tongue @The Selfish Giant?

oh the empire is finished

Am I wrong in finding this funny?

[QUOTE=“Raylan, post: 1152254, member: 2891”]

Am I wrong in finding this funny?[/QUOTE]

No. That’s hilarious.


AN AUSTRALIAN POLITICAL advisor went on an anti-Irish rant during a TV debate about marriage equality.

Australia is looking at putting a bill to parliament to legislate for same-sex marriage with politicians in favour of it pushing their parties to allow a free vote on the issue.

The opposition Labor Party put forward a bill yesterday replacing the words “man and woman” with the term “two people” to define who can be legally married.

In a TV debate on the issue yesterday Grahame Morris, a Conservative commentator and former advisor to the ruling Liberal party, said that both the country and parliament ‘aren’t ready’ to vote on same-sex marriage.

He said that he felt that Australia is being bumped into a vote after Ireland’s referendum, describing the Irish as a people who “can’t grow potatoes”:

The trigger was a vote in Ireland. Now I love the Irish, the parliament is full of Irishmen but these are people who can’t grow potatoes, they’ve got a mutant lawn weed as their national symbol and they can’t verbalise the difference between tree and the number three. But, and then all of a sudden, Australia has to follow suit.
“I have a feeling this could end up like that stupid referendum on a republic where the electorate wasn’t ready,” he added.

“The parliament wasn’t ready and you’ve got to put it off for another ten years. This is going to be divisive and I’m just not even sure the parliament is ready.”

Opinion polls show that most Australians support same-sex marriage. LGBT advocates say Australia is now the only English-speaking developed country to ban same-sex marriage after the Irish vote.

[QUOTE=“Raylan, post: 1152254, member: 2891”]

Am I wrong in finding this funny?[/QUOTE]

This guy should be encouraged to speak in public more often

Some gimp from brought onto the Last Word there to give his half-baked opinion. A writer and comedian? A fuckwit of the highest order

Isn’t the harp the Irish symbol?

Aye, sure you can’t get anything done hear without pulling strings.