Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost


How many times in the last year or so have Australian officials come out with anti-Irish vitriol? What’s it like for our troops on the ground over there, @Fitzy[/USER] and [USER=2812]@Chucks Nwoko ?

Next they’ll be saying it’s not right for two irish lads to beat each other into comas on the streets.

Abbott had a good one a couple years back. In describing the Gillard government, he said (or said something like) it resembled an Irishman who lost $10 on the Grand National. And then lost another twenty watching the replay.

Anyway, I’m Australian. This doesn’t concern me.However…although* the recent slurs are historically sourced, the current breed of roaster, here and in Ireland, does nothing to instill confidence in ever casting these aspersions aside.

  • Am I allowed to start a sentence with “However, although”?

[QUOTE=“Chucks Nwoko, post: 1152539, member: 2812”]

  • Am I allowed to start a sentence with “However, although”?[/QUOTE]
    No. The however is redundant

Thank you potato head.

[QUOTE=“Chucks Nwoko, post: 1152539, member: 2812”]

Anyway, I’m Australian. [/QUOTE]

Shut the door on your way out

I’ll have your head in it when I do.

Banty would be proud

Who the fuck is this Grahame Morris cunt?

He has mugged the tans and Ozzies off.

He’s an absolute cunt, making jokes about the famine. I hope some mad exile batters his head in.

“Exile”? What century are you from?

What one do you think? You stupid cunt.

Fair point.

But yes Tony, hopefully Grahame makes it down here to Van Diemen’s Land, where one of us mad exiles can batter his head in.

[QUOTE=“Chucks Nwoko, post: 1153357, member: 2812”]Fair point.

But yes Tony, hopefully Grahame makes it down here to Van Diemen’s Land, where one of us mad exiles can batter his head in.[/QUOTE]
Are you in Tazmania bud

No, I was speaking in jest. Tony’s use of the word exile is more relevant to the 1800’s than the WHV flashpackers of today.

Exile is the word in any century.

And how many Irish people are currently “exiled” in Australia? Have the English taken control of the island and reopened penal colonies for the thieves and murderers? Or is there a famine back home I’ve missed? Has the nation’s Nutri-Bullets burst into a ball of flames en masse, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee the country?

I’m aware of the word’s existence pal. But it’s use in this context is ignorant and archaic.

“I can hear the bells of Dublin, in this lonely waiting room…”