Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

What’s his problem with Buff?

here he is in his back garden, just casually doing a nazi salute on a swastika. as you do.


He should have a few fans here.

his kidnapping thing was in 1994, he was a police office, and him and 5 others were pissed off with a couple of aboriginal kids. so instead of bringing them to a police station and charging them (for an unknown and undisclosed offence) they decided to drive 14kms out of town, leave them in the bush and took their shoes and told them they could walk back if they wanted. The kids went “willingly” was the reason no formal charges were brought against them.

He has since left the one nation party this week after another incident of him threatening to kill one of his employees emerged.

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What state is this chump from?

Would have to be QLD I’d say

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He’s fairly mobile for a police office.

Surprisingly, he is from Queensland. No doubt One Nation will get a huge sympathy vote for him in the upcoming state election. The federal government (such that they are) are shitting themselves about QLD and One Nation at the moment and so have decided to become even more racist, xenophobic and downright cuntish than they normally are, which takes some doing.

Quite apart from the Swastika and salute (as you do), this chump should be taken out and shot for the disgraceful state of his back yard and lawn.

What is your policy on kidnapping?

I laughed at that I have to say.

Australia really is a shithole of a country.


ah here, look at this attention seeking muppet

Whats the problem with that? She’s a fantastic politician and person Larissa.

Fair play to her.

its a pr stunt, first of all what was she doing in there with a baby ffs, do they not have child care or crèches in Australia

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It’s not a stunt. Her baby needed to be fed. Isn’t it brilliant that a person like that is so committed to public service? She’s doing society a favour by making it less of an issue to breast feed in public. She’s a brilliant parent along with being a great public advocate.
Maybe people who feel they have been a bad parent should follow her example.

why did she have to ring her child into a working environment? its nothing more than a pr stunt? when the child is older will she bring it in to feed it?

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Jesus christ, you haven’t a clue. It’s no wonder you only see poor Fintan once a year.

Tossy commenting on parenting now, you couldn’t make it up :grinning:

Having children is not a problem yourself and himself won’t have to deal with