Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost


The Greens were ahead of the curve on this a long time ago


Your own experience of childhood hardship isn’t really relevant here, mate.

When the child is older it can feed itself, mate…

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Bringing a baby into work with you is wrong. It is disruptive to your colleagues and no amount of PC spin can convince me otherwise.

tree huggers like Fitzy thinks it is “cool and down with it” its an an attention seeking stunt, nothing more

Can anyone answer what vital work she was doing that could not have been carried out by a colleague?

Feeding her child.

I meant work related pal. You’re an awful scamp.

Damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. She should be applauded for the two reasons, if she’s bringing attention to breastfeeding then all the better. Who’s she harming only a few prudish yokels who haven’t seen a tit that wasn’t on page 3.


It’s a piss take on the cycling law.



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the pretend ozzies getting thick

You’ve been had mate. No shame in admitting it.

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I can’t get over the fact you have to wear a helmet running in oz, I’d say Parkrun must look like a mad spectacle, what about marathons? how does that work?

You’ve been stitched up, mate…just let it go.