Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

He was mad for the croc.

a death roll in the hay

Christ almighty, his mate reckons he ‘just about got it in’ :open_mouth: :joy:

She’s an evil fucking bitch, a horrible racist as well.

would you look at this bullshit

What a cunt. Does this mean anyone can bring their kids to work? Save me a fortune on child minding.

attention seeking cunt

Making a motion in the parliament chamber is literally pushing things too far.

There’s another chamber for that sort of thing.

Good girl yourself :thumbsup:
The child wouldn’t be latched on if it didn’t need to be, legend.

You probably have to have a job before you can bring it to work


Did you actually think this was funny when you typed it. Seriously, gway and have a chat with yourself you witless cunt

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The other simpleton liking it is a dead giveaway. Id be embarrassed if I got a like from that flute.



No good ever comes from associating with @Macs toxic brand


Coming from the man known for his rapier like wit :rollseyes:

@backinatracksuit , I’d say you had a pair of these.

I’m giving that a like


Good one mate

It is, ya.