Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

What states would you put top 10 for living in, mate?

Jersey kerbs to be installed around high foot traffic areas in Sydney as part of an anti-“terror” measure… It’s a sad state of affairs.

The backward west of Ireland bogmen really going back to their roots here

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Ffs the Sydney cbd is a complete building sites at the moment so how would you notice?

Inspirational, unbelievable, amazing.

Pregnant ‘Wonder Woman’ Montano takes more baby steps

CA, OR, WA, CO, AZ, NC, NM, upstate NY and the surrounding NE states, Southern FL. Midwest and south is too humid in summer.

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What brought you to the US mate?

I had been back and forth a fair bit with a company I worked for and they offered me a position there / here.

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Still a little coy for my liking mate

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I was over that team in 2014.

Great weekend that championship.

Do you know lads involved?

The High Court has ruled mate. They’re out.

@Fitzy will be along shortly to fill the board in on the ramifications of this ruling.

Matt Canavan the I-talian yeah right that’s like saying Tony Cascarino is Irish

Is yer auld vote still going on guys?

Joyce will be re-elected in the by-election. The damage to the govt is just on top of all the self inflicted wounds. The question is wheyher they last the full term or things get so bad that we’re in an election mid next year.
It really is remarkable just how bad this government is.
Labor will win the next election in a landslide. Just with the wrong leader.

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