Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

The Irish over there are pure scum so she’s fairly spot on.

Scum wouldn’t be fair but I wouldn’t answer my door to 90% of the cunts

she has nothing to apologise for, Australia is the dustbin for the scum of oireland

Don’t buy a printer off anyone with an Irish accent either.


Mate, can you answer the question about the deviants on the forum who shouldn’t be coaching kids? This is a serious matter.

She would get one .

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A belt of a few tomatoes is what she’ll be getting this week I reckon…

Or legumes

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Here’s a better picture of her.

She has the head of a Lebbo or Greek import

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Has she resigned yet?

Lebbo - some cheek given her ethnicity

Informative, I had to google what a Lebbo is.

Groups of Lebanese people. Some cause trouble, some do up their cars, some make kebabs or jump others. Found in certain parts of towns.

A breed of rodent-like species which feeds on the dregs of Australian Society.
Originating from a 3rd World Country, they have no real idea of how to act in a sophisticated society, and hence, are often reduced to animal-like behaviour.
They are gutless and will only strike out at other groups if they have superior numbers. When they are outnumbered, they will quickly dissolve into a crying, pathetic sack of shit, as witnessed at cronulla riots.
Those who have engaged in raping Australian girls are swiftly castrated in prison, and are probably being raped with a broom handle as you read this, whilst squeeling like the filthy pig that they are.

Smelly, dirty. hairy trouble makers. Non cannibals species (they don’t eat pork.)

These scumbags call themselves Lebo in OZ but went they fuck off back to their shit hole land where it’s constant war, they call themselves Aussies. Should send more over there instead of bringing these fuckers back.

Every other races (White cunts, Wogs, gooks, Kiwi and even Abbos) are trying to adapt and live in peace or just cause shit among themselves but these pigfucking dirty, smelly shitheads with little dicks likes to cause shit which they wouldn’t dare to do in there own country, raping innocent girls… All because they believe in such a fucked up religion which they a too stupid to think for themselves.

Lebs are dirty disguisting creatures that are not wanted in this country and often try to fight white people. Lebos will never try to fight a white person unless der are at least 3 times the amount of lebos then there are of white people. They are often scared of anybody that has darker skin then them eg black people and islanders. Lebos tend to be hated by nearly every race in the world and tend to get the shit kicked out of them quite often for an example the cronulla riots. most of the time members of the lebanese race are imbred and smell like shit. Normally you will never see a child that is half lebo half aussie because the aussie chiks that are raped by lebos normally gt abortions. They try to be hard but at the end of the day everyone else in the world even asians are hardr den them

in other words , Arabs

8 year old girl killed whilst participating in a drag race. Point being made it could have happened horse riding or in other such usual activities that girls of that age do, but drag racing seems a bit extreme.

That survey thing that @Fitzy and @Chucks_Nwoko were rabbitting on about a while back has shown that over 60% of Australians favour gay marriage. Is this legally binding now, or just a survey?

Just a survey.

Just a survey that cost $100 million for fucks sake.
Now the fun begins as they have to legislate for it. Cue all kinds of descriminatio n being legalised.