Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

I forgot to send mine.

Where you watching “the match” tonight? I’m on edge here.

I might start a thread full of Cold Chisel and Kylie to calm the nerves.

The away goal rule explained for Australia.

Strange post. Not bizarre, but strange.

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Eh, at home mate

Hon ta fuck duras.

Well done @Fitzy and @Chucks_Nwoko - over 60% in favour of gay marriage :clap:

The 60% who bothered their holes send back in a postal vote mate. A very strange affair really, but typical of a very strange country. Either vote or don’t vote, don’t waste time and money with a show of hands.

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What’s this…all eyes on Honduras mate.

Well you can make your move and marry him now.

You’re better than that.

What time is kick off mate ?

34 minutes.

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I’m all of a quiver

Where do you even start?

Is there anyone to verify the mans story and that he didn’t just push him off the roof?

I’ve an image of him putting out his hand before saying too slow and running it through his hair.

Sounds like a gay sex act gone wrong tbh.

Depends how he landed

Reads like there was others on roof

Clearly not a high flyer