Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

If I wanted to take advice on human rights from someone who facillitates and pays for people smuggling and the rape and toture of innocent young girls, I would.
But I don’t, so fuck off and die you horrible cunt.

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What in Gods earth are you raving about?


Out for a few (a scatter) earlier on and one of the crew is an Australian and he said that it’s been gradually less celebrated over the last ten years and reckoned the best thing would be to have Australia day on any other date except the one it’s on.
The connotations are too heavy, change it and carry on is his opinion.


If only they had the balls to be a real country and become a republic


There is real momentum against the date now. I must say there has been a notable decline in events and people attending them in the last 2-3 years.


Like those traitorous secessionist rabble rousers in Scotland in 2014, that issue was decided concusively in Her Majesty’s dominion of Australia on 6 November 1999. That was a good day all round for the dominion of Australia. They lifted the William Webb Ellis Trophy the same day, beating France in the 1999 renewal of the Rugby World Cup Final in Cardiff.

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For all their talk, the Aussies are bigger lickspittles than the Welch.

All talk. Full of wind and piss

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Banter from Crowe of all people

I’d go for the Gladiator cuirass if I had that kind of walking around money

Where did they get this idea?

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Weren’t the Aussies/Ozzies recruiting Guards a few years back?

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fucked up on so many levels. some of the quotes are mental

Sounds reasonable

I hope one of our posters isn’t I Australia at the mo

So this just happened in the Australia vs Philippines game…

The Aussies got the shit kicked out of them by a bunch of Filipino midgets


I bet you loved that.


Toughest cunts in the world pound for pound, those Philipinos are something else

Australian filth.