Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

What was the end result of it all??

Philipines only had 3 eligible players left to play, so they all deliberately fouled so they would be disqualified and it ended not long after in the third quarter.

They went at the big fella like lumberjacks and down he went :clap:

The Filipinos still sore from Jeff Hornā€™s demolition of Manny lady year.

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Interesting read, having a general election every 3 years is mad.

CC @Matty_Hislop

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Anderson Hislop :laughing:

Living the dream

Where do they find these cunts?In Oz nearly 10 years and still only renting ffs.

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And talking thru her hoop too. Perth modern is ranked the number 1 school in WA and is around $20k per year for fees. Iā€™d imagine the 4th rank school is too. Just checked, it is, Penrhos college (an all girls school) is $16k per year. Maybe they are paying that. They way she is talking she is finding money on the ground and been handed to her. I donā€™t know if itā€™s these types that somehow need to justify moving abroad as being so much better than spud land just to make themselves feel better or what. Plenty go out to oz and just get on with it, sometimes getting breaks or finding opportunities that they wouldnā€™t get elsewhere but donā€™t feel the need to say how much better off they are at every chance.

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Thereā€™s an old Australian saying "New PM means itā€™s time to check your smoke alarm batteries ".

In fairness she didnā€™t really come across like that. Most of those articles boil my piss, that one not so much.
Also, she mentioned midwifery, so sheā€™s clearly nuts.

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As with most things Australian that makes no fuckin sense.

Some newspaper in Melbourne has apparently been racially abusing Serena Williams.

As has half this forum


A Newscorp paper. Some surprise

You sound surprised? Theyā€™re the most racist country on the planet

de oirish treat de travellers very bad mate

no need to be smug

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