Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Very sad but, as a rule, you should treat all animals in Australia as though they can kill you.


nice quote…

“I would not dream of walking onto an aircraft ahead of the other passengers as a veteran,” said prominent former member of the Australian Defence Force Cate McGregor, lampooning the gesture as “faux-American b******s.”

“Spend more on suicide prevention and health support,” said the former East Timor veteran, who is also transgender.

Australia seems to be a hotbed of transsexualism

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Irish emigrants in Australia offered free flights home to fill jobs in Ireland (via @IrishTimes)

Always a feast or a famine, isn’t it?

Fly them home but they have no where to live…

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Rugby league or union?



Couldn’t get them out of the country quick enough a few years ago so the Six One could report about the fall in figures signing on the live registrar, as if to spin some positive news that this was by job creation or something

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and when you arrive back in Spudland

no housing
car insurance through the roof
no chance of mortgage approval even with big deposit
no health care
shit weather
corruption at every level of society


I know, its brilliant isn’t it?

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We all party. All the time.

The Wild Geese Trophy. Absolutely massive @Fitzy, what time you getting there?

“The first time the game has been played at elite level outside of Oireland”. .

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The Boom is back.

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Joe cumming

The Cider Cup

Homebush :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

@Chucks_Nwoko big dust storm going to hit Syderney tomorrow.

Were you in Sydney for the last big one in '09?