Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

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Surely Australia is a World leader in solar energy production?

Australia’s export a huge amount of coal

" what’s the point in having trees if you have no economy" was said to me last time

Australia is reaping what it sows — the coal they send off to china has now blacked out their sky.

Who wouldn’t trust this guy

He says solar power is only produced by foreigners

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Crazy that they voted in scomo but it’s unbecoming to take glee in this disaster as people are dying

Very upsetting a volunteer firefighter died

What’s this business about firefighters committing arson?

This was what I imagined Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” to be like


It’s becoming? Is this a new edgy initiative?

Only difference today is more people are taking videos and photos and sending them around the world in seconds. Of course the crusty’s will tell you this is unprecedented and it’s down to that all encompassing climate change disaster that there’s so much money to be made from

I was told the weekend that the reason these fires are so bad is because the environmentalists put a stop to them doing annual controlled burning of land. In times gone by this acted as a defence against the wildfires spreading out of control. Now areas that would previously have been cleared of flammable material are like tinder boxes waiting to go up.

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You mean there were fires before these ones?

Australia had record breaking highs during this … Russia has no snow and has had the mildest winter on record … go all over the world and you’ll find the same. But do, look at things in isolation. Be grand. Nothing to see here at all.

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What records are these ? The ones that began 150 years ago is it? Tell me about the fires, the snow, the rain, the cold before this

I suppose you’ll be one of these lads that heard that the Atlantic is warming up and that’s why we’ve had a few windy days in the last couple of years. I heard so many fools attribute storm Ophelia to the warming of the Atlantic and sure who’s blame them for consuming what’s rammed down their throats Everytime they pick up their phone or turn on the TV. Don’t mind the fact, the absolute and proven fact , that the Atlantic is actually cooling down in what’s considered the normal cycle of a warming and cooling ocean

There’s a world wide trend that the planet is heating up. The oceans are destroyed. Pollution is rife … i’m no crazy lefty - but saying there’s nothing going on is just ridiculous … Man has added to the planet heating up, there’s no denying that and while there may be natural cycles of heating up do you not think we need to check what we are doing to the planet? Do you think we can continue cutting down rain forests without consequence? burning fossil fuels?

Who told you that? Someone who hasn’t a clue what they’re talking about?
Hazard reduction burns are extremely difficult and require almost perfect conditions. These conditions have been few and far between in the last few years. Nevertheless, almost every fire management agency (eg the NSW Parks and Wildlife Authority) have exceeded their hazard reduction burn targets in the last year. But we still mysteriously have these fires.
Land clearing in NSW is at record levels, spurred on by a zealous right wing government not interested in the environment. But we still mysteriously have these fires.
But if course it’s the environmentalists and greenies who are to blame. Even though we have a Liberal government. Amazing how much powet the bloody greenies have to do these things even though they’re not in power federally or in any state. Straight from the Murdoch playbook.
Here’s an idea. How about you acquaint yourself with some facts before you spout shite from some lad who thinks he knows something. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Tell me about the last time 5 million hectares was burnt out here, with significant fires starting in September

Fuck off you knuckle dragging gowl.