Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Read one of your own newspapers ffs

Is it the Kangaroos farting that’s doing it I wonder? Lads over here (an agricultural island) are giving up eating meat cos the cows are farting too much and that makes rain and “hurricanes” that we have every couple of months

That’s the fucking Australian ffs. Murdoch’s leading paper here. Last week they were screaming with some “scientist” banging on about the climate change myth
She was found to be a complete charlatan. Much like yourself.


Oh sorry I didn’t know that. I’ll try to find one to suit your narrative there so

You bluffing simpleton.

It’s complete deniers like you that are doing far worse to society than the lefty do gooders. You’ll claim anything to continue living your filthy ignorant lifestyle.


Happy New year mate

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You’d get a better perspective by sticking your heads in the jacks twice a day than reading some neoliberal bullcrap from a Murdoch publication. @Fitzy is on the ground and knows what’s what

I suppose you’ll be one of these lads that makes up things that other people thought and posts pointless long winded drivel replies to the points no one made. @labane1917-esque.

:thinking::thinking: Do you mean repeat things that other people thought? Kinda like the climate alarmists ? Kinda like the 16 year old climate activists ?

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mate, what are your qualifications in this field?

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I’m qualified in making my own mind up

No I mean posting replies to things no one said. Something only a simpleton would do.

Scomo is a traitor

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She seems freaked out that its dark at night.

I was in galway bay two days ago mate, and I can 100% confirm that it was warmer than usual.

How does sunspot activity feed into the climate change models

Cc @anon61878697

This interaction has gone as well & being received as badly as Richie Hogans tackle on Cathal Barrett & the follow up whingefest.

Deary me.

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When the Liquidators went into their old unit they found hidden cameras all over the offices and the boardroom was bugged.

They also found a coffin. The story was, it was one of the staff 50th birthday. They asked what do you get a lad of 50, one said; a coffin, so they rang up an undertakers and bought one. €22m in investment…Id say John Delaney didn’t have a patch on those lads.

I actually spoke to the main lad about a year ago. He is working out of some place in Clondalkin. I questioned him on the Orbo and the technology. He was still convinced it worked and he was on a winner and would be proven right some day.

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