Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Have you ever actualy been to Australia?

:D[quote=“balbec, post: 902024, member: 193”]A mate of mine over here comes from Perth, his brother was here for Christmas 2012. Went for a few beers. Accountant, nice guy, 3 kids etc. He nearly went apeshit when I suggested in my gentle way that Oz might be in serious bubble territory.[/quote]
You gentle way

I made v similar point 18 mths ago on the Oz thread. Good friend of mine over there said there was no talking to them in relation to a crash, that the mentality and head in the sand attitude was identical to here.

History just keeps repeating

I made v similar point 18 mths ago on the Oz thread. Good friend of mine over there said there was no talking to them in relation to a crash, that the mentality and head in the sand attitude was identical to here.

History just keeps repeating

[quote=“dancarter, post: 902095, member: 122”]I made v similar point 18 mths ago on the Oz thread. Good friend of mine over there said there was no talking to them in relation to a crash, that the mentality and head in the sand attitude was identical to here.

History just keeps repeating[/quote]

you and your ilk cost the Irish state billions upon billions of euros, people died in hospitals as there were no funds for operations as a direct result of your actions and your greed, you have some nerve coming on here with this smug know it all attitude considering when push came to shove at home you were clueless- now FOAD

i agree with everythin Kev says here, although I admit seeing the smugness wiped off some australians faces isnt a horrible thought, my company is beginning to feel the pinch, lost money for the last few months when before it was profit every month for years, mining has gone from construction to extraction which means less jobs and less money for suppliers. three of our customers are fucked which means we are fucked

Good one mate. At least I didn’t run as fast as my little heroin riddled legs would carry me off to the mines. Don’t worry. Youl find some English friends to have BBQs with when you are deported back to Finglas

My friend was an Ozzie btw.

Ya, Aussies are waking up to the crap they’ve been spun by ford/Holden. Toyota 2nd hand hold great value here.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 902066, member: 273”]
And personally I don’t like watching people suffer no matter where they are from. Even though a lot of lads here seem to revel in it.[/quote]
Wait, weren’t you the one here who said the recession would do the Irish people good and that it was good enough for them?

Yes, and The Simpsons nailed it.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 902105, member: 180”]Wait, weren’t you the one here who said the recession would do the Irish people good and that it was good enough for them?

No. I never said it was good enough for them. I said it would do us good though. Out of a bad thing can sometimes come a good thing.

Yep, a huge upsurge in suicides, thats one of the things to come out of it. I suppose thats good if you’re in the undertaker business.

All are doing is showing your ignorance and using sad situations to support an Internet argument.

Nope, it’s showing up the stupidity of your initial argument. It was stupid then, its still stupid now.

Taken from an article in the IT about Corby- Sums Oz up wonderfully-

At its basest, the ongoing preoccupation with Schapelle is rooted in snobbery. She has come to represent a particular breed of Australian, a caricature mocked and mythologised in equal measure: the singleted, tattooed kind; the kind who has a sister called Mercedes who became infamous herself, and ended up posing topless in a men’s magazine. Together, they are crime’s answer to the Kardashians.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 902105, member: 180”]Wait, weren’t you the one here who said the recession would do the Irish people good and that it was good enough for them?

Yes, and The Simpsons nailed it.[/quote]
@caoimhaoin just wanted everyone (except himself) taken down a peg or two.

I’m sure Stephanie Meeham thanks him for that.

you fucked up the country , people were forced to emigrate & you think its a good thing,

By getting rid of you @dancarter has done the state some service. Youre already well on the way to bankrupting a previously successful company, i shudder to think what damage youll do to the australian economy.

listen mate, i wont be a drain on Australian society if things go tits up, Ill head home, pity you didnt do the same & fuck off back to humberside when Oireland went tits up,