Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Surprised the surfers didn’t attack saying “locals only mate!”


I remember swimming (or standing pretending to swim) in Cottesloe Beach near Perth once about a fortnight after a lad had been killed by a shark there. It made be look at every wave very differently

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an ex lady friend was working in the cafe there at the time when it happened

Another day living in terror. We WILL get through this hell.

(This beachside coffee is dedicated to @Enrique.)


Looks terrible pal. Your government is literally locking you up and telling you you’re having a great time. You’re a mug, a rube, a patsy, a fish.

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only another 3 weeks to go, where have we heard that one before :rofl:

This chap lapping up beachside coffees with a plastic covering across his mug. It’s hard to credit.


Australia and New Zealand are in an awful position, they are facing an awful 2 years over their zero covid headbanger approach

Australia have abandoned it, their PM just called New Zealand’s Zero Covid approach absurd. Said they have to learn to live with it. They were always a bit slow down under.

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Who would’ve thought a coffee could cause multiple breakdowns? Set it and they will fall :rofl:

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What beach is that?

He should tell that to Taiwan.

Maroubra. The darling beach of the eastern suburbs. :heart:

I presume amateur and kids sport banned in Oz at the moment?

Yeah, handbrake pulled on the amateur stuff. Playgrounds/bike parks for the kids still open thankfully.

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Amateur sports?! :smiley: They’re literally killing innocent dogs because of covid there pal, they’ve lost the plot. Sports, lol

Jesus Christ


The dregs of humanity sure.

But beachside coffees in between the 15 minute check ins with the gubbermint cc @Chucks_Nwoko