Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

I don’t think he needs to be so hard on her, she has worked in a diner all her life so she’ll know her way around a kitchen.

Any sign of @Fitzy lads? I hope he hasn’t got the aids

He’s gardening and swimming.

I lol ed at this. What a cultural wasteland.

Sherbet must have been gutted that Howzat didn’t make the list

Hunters and collectors should be higher up

Are crowded house from NZ?

That list is a cod



Surprised Rolf Harris didn’t make the list

Holy fuck, what a kip. Give me the Irish lockdown any day.

They’re banning rubber vaginas too.

Australian soldiers engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan. Executed civilians.

The video footage to some of that is fucking haunting to watch. Hope they’re held to full account.

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We won’t be able to tell who attacked in the negative interaction.


50m off the beach at Maroubra today.

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mandatory quarantine for visitors from Antarctic?

I’ve watched it about 15 times now…just amazing…the beauty of nature!

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