Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

Some spot. Saw a lad get hit by lightning there 11 years ago.

Good chance for Belfast to step in here. They hold the Twelfth every year so lots of experience in hosting major cultural events we all love.

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Woman mauled by dingoes there this weekend.


She was put jogging and 4 chased here. She cleverly thought to head into the water to get away from them and 2 of them followed her in.

Some fella helped fight them off but some.ordeal and mad they’re attacking adults during daylight hours

You head in to the water then and are at risk of rip tides, jellyfish and sharks, if the hot sun doesn’t scald you, a lightning strike will put you in intensive care.

Only just saw this. What an embarrassment.

Australia are very lucky they have so many events already lined up- who would give them a sporting event now?

Whats the reasoning behind keeping the Commonwealth Games going? Is there a reason I dont see outside the last vestiges of the Empire all coming together? Is there a financial element to it?

Australia votes NO to Aboriginies getting a voice in Parliament

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A racist backwater.


Just to clarify, we treat travellers worse

Are they excluded from running in elections?

Democracy was worth a go, but it’s a failed experiment. I’ve a much better idea

I only read the headlines mate.

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Australia is an obsequious, stupid, subservient, racist colonial backwater. An irrelevant outpost of a failed colonial entity.
After today, there is no hope for this country ever progressing further. Racism is endemic is Australia and more, is celebrated.
I fucking hate living here.


How do we change the title of this horrible thread?

Tear it down mate

Yet you applied for citizenship?


Dutton is poison

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Aside from the 11 federal MPs and 15 state representatives, aboriginals will have NO VOICE in Parliament.