Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost


You won’t believe this but the aboriginals have a higher proportion of representation in federal Parliament than they do in the population. Truly bizarre.

Oh I see what you’ve done there. Ooooh you right wing nut jobs are sooooooo clever.
I don’t even know why I’m bothering.

I support Aboriginia.


Queensland are forging ahead with a treaty according to @thebrisbanelion

Any details of that

Can you lay out in simple terms what the current situation is and what exactly the vote was for?

When I worked in Australia (or Oz) I used to be an “annoying paddy telemarketer” to quote one of the lads I rang. I predominantly worked for charities and we ran a hugely successful campaign for Save the Children, helping kids in Africa. Raised an absolute fuck ton of money.

In my innocence, I expected something similar when Save the Children had us run one for Australian children. The third paragraph of our script contained the phrase “in particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children…”. It’s no exaggeration to say 75% of people either hung up, or responded with something like “they get enough.”

Bizarre. Happy to put the hand in the pocket to help African children. But the mere mention of helping the local black kids literally had them breaking out in a rage

Similar to the travellers here?

Life expectancy is lower for travellers than for indigenous australians and percentage in jail is higher

Old news I know, but just wondering what it was all about.

We didn’t invade their country, steal their land, their children, their livelihoods and way of life though, though we’ve nothing to be proud of. Paddy was happy enough to play a significant role in ethnically cleansing the aboriginal people mind, so there’s that too.
I’m actually genuinely shocked by the vote.

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Because most of the population were swept away by white invaders.

I called it on Australia here a couple of years ago, much to the chagrin of @Chucks_Nwoko.

Possibly. Obviously I only spent a year there and I was drunk for most of that so I could be way off.

A xmas.ham.has had to be pulled from a retailer down there . Local.jewish society took umbrage with it:


Ham mas not to their liking…!!


have you seen last stop larramah?

I gave it a go mate but felt a bit low brow listening to mentally ill rednecks

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woah woah woah bro, they are the kind of people I married into

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I lasted 30 minutes. The crocodile was by far the most interesting character in the show…i assume it ate paddy?

They had probably thought Mrs @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy couldn’t marry beneath herself…

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