Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

could you be more specific please?
you really are something of an expert on Australian internal affairs aren’t you, id imagine you’ll be quite a loss to the country when you leave

why is that?

pot, kettle , black

Because you’re a spastic.

the anger on this forum is disgusting

what a horrible post by a vile poster

Sorry Peter.

Horrible thing to call anyone, shame on you.

disgusting i know, and an insult to all families with special needs children.
there are some rotten, angry people out there

I don’t believe you.

DB,Rocko,Ebeenezer,Bandage, Croppy can all confirm

Nah, wouldn’t believe them either.

You rotten cunt to use that word. You better pray i never come accross you after a few pints and a load of coke. I"ll go frog eye stanners on you

What does that mean Tossy mate?


cop yourself on mickee,
post was reported and will be dealt with, but sharing a poster’s personal information is not on.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 905627, member: 367”]------ooo—

cop yourself on mickee,
post was reported and will be dealt with, but sharing a poster’s personal information is not on.[/quote]

ok admins, fair enough warning accepted
i was out of line to post that but it was a disgusting comment from that nasty prick @glasagusban ,
his fucking time will come


so you find it funny to make jokes about people with mental disabilities do you?

I’m sure that made their day.