Australia - Sycophantic Colonial Outpost

And keep it that way.

I was asking what your source was for this, but I’ve found some material on the ABC Independent Complaints Review Panel about it. I didn’t know this, fair enough. The NT Government The Little Children Are Sacred report did find widespread abuse of children in indigenous areas however, so while the ABC report may have been based on poor journalism, there is no question there was endemic abuse in many places. The intervention was not the answer and it was a typical show boating exercise by Howard.

To answer your question, I have been listening to and watching the ABC for almost 14 years and find the standard of unbiased, fearless journalism to be extremely high. They must be doing something right if both main political parties hate them.

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 905103, member: 236”]I was asking what your source was for this, but I’ve found some material on the ABC Independent Complaints Review Panel about it. I didn’t know this, fair enough. The NT Government The Little Children Are Sacred report did find widespread abuse of children in indigenous areas however, so while the ABC report may have been based on poor journalism, there is no question there was endemic abuse in many places. The intervention was not the answer and it was a typical show boating exercise by Howard.

To answer your question, I have been listening to and watching the ABC for almost 14 years and find the standard of unbiased, fearless journalism to be extremely high. They must be doing something right if both main political parties hate them.[/quote]

Ya fitzy, but they didn’t find abuse at the Aboriginal camp the program was in, but they sent in the army and they happened to find uranium. Well would you credit that. The government used the ABC and the ABC let it happen. They were part of the lie. Unforgivable.

I agree with your thinking about how they have pisses off everyone is a good sign generally, but on this issue at least it’s been shameful.

The report you quote above does not, according to Pilger and other academics an journalists (I have not read it) show abuse to be any higher than than any other area of Australia.

The Anthropologist from Uni. of Sydney is an interesting guy. He is the first white man of significance to say “an Australian (he inferred a white Australian) will not solve the unbalance and poverty an issues between the whites and blacks of Australia” He is right, it’s something I always believed. Much like our own NI issue it took intervention from Clinton andMitchell. It’s a pity Mandela was the age he was an has passed on, he would be a perfect candidate. Obama down the road may be someone. But the Aboriginals needs to organize and politicize first. The likes of Adam Goodes and others need to use their influence to bring about real change. Because people living as they are now in the richest country in the world is absolutely shameful. Unwritten or silent apartheid.

Its been a sorry saga of white hand wringing and lip service, with a fragmented state of organisation on the aboriginal side. People like Goodes are a possible answer, a hero to his people, a hero to many white Australians also. What he did last year in the Collingwood game shamed white society and it was encouraging that there was not a scintilla of criticism of him.

The history of white settler /indigenous australian relations has been shameful and continues to be. Unfortunately, I can’t see anything significantly changing in the immediate future, as its not something that affects the greater white population. There are of course far more important threast to our middle class existence like that wretched carbon tax or those scary Afghani children invading us in lifeboats. But indigenous affairs now falls under the department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Tony will find a way. Won’t he?

Is goodey an abbo?

What do you think?

more good news for our economy

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 905106, member: 273”]Ya fitzy, but they didn’t find abuse at the Aboriginal camp the program was in, but they sent in the army and they happened to find uranium. Well would you credit that. The government used the ABC and the ABC let it happen. They were part of the lie. Unforgivable.

I agree with your thinking about how they have pisses off everyone is a good sign generally, but on this issue at least it’s been shameful.

The report you quote above does not, according to Pilger and other academics an journalists (I have not read it) show abuse to be any higher than than any other area of Australia.

The Anthropologist from Uni. of Sydney is an interesting guy. He is the first white man of significance to say “an Australian (he inferred a white Australian) will not solve the unbalance and poverty an issues between the whites and blacks of Australia” He is right, it’s something I always believed. Much like our own NI issue it took intervention from Clinton andMitchell. It’s a pity Mandela was the age he was an has passed on, he would be a perfect candidate. Obama down the road may be someone. But the Aboriginals needs to organize and politicize first. The likes of Adam Goodes and others need to use their influence to bring about real change. Because people living as they are now in the richest country in the world is absolutely shameful. Unwritten or silent apartheid.[/quote]

why havent they organised to date?

Abbos do be too fucked up with hangovers to get their shit together

ssshh , you cant say that , there is nothing kev hates more than when one section of society is victinmised & downtrodden*

  • apart from when its in Ireland when its grand

Q. what do you call an abo with yellow teath?..
A. a crunchy

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 905134, member: 80”]more good news for our economy

why havent they organised to date?[/quote]
Have you had any actual interaction with aboriginal’s? Or Travellers for that matter?

[quote=“mickee321, post: 905142, member: 367”]Q. what do you call an abo with yellow teath?..
A. a crunchy[/quote]
The absent father confirms he is a racist.

would you consider yourself to be a “genuine” poster kev?

yes & yes

i have had interactions with both also

You’ll have to do better than that. In what context. Because all you ever roll out is stats. And the Australian government certainly is not one to trust on those.

Nobody gives a fuck child.

and the free state government stats?

You are avoiding the question as usual.

I have indigenous Australians in my family & one of my bessiers at home is a traveller.