Aviation Thread (https://www.reforestnation.ie/offset-your-carbon)

a westland Apache just flew over the house at 1750 feet there, some noise of it

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New underpants required after that landing

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Someone switched on their phone before reaching the gate


Ffs sake

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The plane spotters on Collinstown Lane will be beside themselves.

Did he bring half of China with him or something?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy assures us China is seriously committed to environmental concerns, something doesn’t add up :thinking:


China’s status as the colossus of renewable energy is set to be cemented in the next five years, with the world’s second-biggest economy adding more capacity than the rest of globe combined.

The International Energy Agency said in its Renewables 2023 report, released on Thursday, that China will account for 56% of renewable energy capacity additions in the 2023-28 period.

China is expected to increase renewable capacity by 2,060 gigawatts (GW) in the forecast period, while the rest of the world will add 1,574 GW, the IEA data showed.

China is building two-thirds of the coal-fired electricity generation capacity currently under construction globally


Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy - Carbon Brief

check mate

My oh my what a lovely big plane you’ve got there!!

Can I get a spin??

I love d planes!

could they not send anyone better than that to meet a proper global leader?

He did fly all the way from china so he will have to do.


Jinping meets sleeping

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