Ban a fucking moron thread

A thread to nominate a moron that you want banned. I propose that if any nomination receives 10 likes, they get banned. This is in keeping with the original design of democracy as defined in ancient Athens where every year elections were held to vote in a Dictator, but also a second vote to exile a moron. Let the bloodletting begin.


I nominate @Gilbertine

I nominate @feck_it

Edit: Sorry, you’re not the worst, but you’re a bit of a gimp all the same. Sorry.

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Youre not my friend, mate. But ill take it on the chin

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Disgusting post btw

You’re making a show of yourself lad. :neutral_face:

In the interest of fairness, I nominate myself.




How very predictable, I assume I’ll be banned by close of business today. I could of course retaliate and nominate you, but I’ll be the bigger man and rise above your barbs.

I predict you’ll be grand Fitzy. Be the bigger man, nominate Chucks and let the fates decide…

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No mate, he needs our pity, not our oppobrium.
On the other hand, I nominate @Brimmer_Bradley


so far my money is on @ProjectX getting the bullet. @Smark will bring a big tide with him. Question will be whether the Mods have the balls to act on the will of the people

Expect a cease and desist order from the starter of the “Ban a Tard” thread.

Which may possibly have been Flano, that corpulent, Hawaiian shirt clad ghost of yesteryear.


That was a half baked attempting from a lapsed poster. It also was sorely lacking in any form of election criteria.

That @Smark will bring nothing. The one job he had was to adjudicate the celeb spotting thread and he failed miserably at that.

Give the job to its rightful owner @Brimmer_Bradley

I nominate @Smark for many reasons.

The latest reason is related to his attraction to the below individual:

I think the late, great @ClarkeyCat set up the thread in question.

