Ban A Tard

Truly pathetic all right. A site that’s purported to be dedicated to intelligent discourse, and lads discussing bin collection :joy: As the only apparent criteria for getting banned around here is being boring, the mods could start by banning the clown agonizing over his bin pickup ordeals.

It’s mostly the time of year, from mid November to the holidays a lot of lads would be off the drink to rest their livers for the inevitable holiday abuse. A lot of grumpy alcoholics basically.

That, and the lack of hurling.


Thank fuck.

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What the fuck has happened you kid?

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While I was loading my car yesterday for a trip to the bottle bank @anon7035031 I had a eureka moment.
You know the way you walk up and down the length of the bottle receiver/ container things. Putting a green bottle in then trudging back up to the clear glass one etc.
Well yesterday I had 3 carrier bags to go.
Didn’t I pre-sort them before I left the house.
Green into one bag and clear into the second and so on.
Once I got to the bottle bank I had already sorted them so hence there was minimum walking up and down the length of the containers.
Good plan, wasn’t it.


Fao. @anon7035031.

cc. @anon7035031

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If you have any handy and interesting tips like this feel free to post them on the appropriate thread @anon7035031.

cat got your tongue @anon7035031

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@anon7035031 is a cunt for not acknowledging my handy tips.

That’s a genius handy tip.

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It is. I just hope @anon7035031 is happy with it.




That’s a doozie

#unga bunga

I have lain awake all night pal tossing and turning with the awful realization that I might have possibly either underestimated or overestimated your intelligence. This latest intellectual breakthrough of yours is a game changer, no question. Just as the first rays of sunlight were appearing, I finally had my own eureka moment. An intellectual quotient scale based on the identity of likes you attract to a post.

So for simplicity, I arbitrarily assigned -5 to a like from a top top simpleton (TFKTTS) and + 5 to a top top genius (TFKTTG). Without getting into all the specifics (other than @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy obviously having the TTS position sown up) you are currently sitting at a -3 rating (and have @Fagan_ODowd to thank for that as I have him at a +4).

There’s still time to rescue the situation though. Maybe edit and flesh out your post a little, a few more details perhaps. For example, you stated you had three bags, filled one with green bottles and another with clear bottles, but then left us hanging with a tantalizing “and so on”. How would you resolve the dilemma of only having one bag and two remaining collections of colored bottles? Could it have resulted in a mental breakdown at the bottle bank?



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Apologies for exceeding your five syllable limit.



Way to take an amusing post by @Brimmer_Bradley and leave it beaten into a worse state than one of @HBV’s whores.

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