Banks - Cunts

I forget to be honest, i havenā€™t used it in 10 years ive $100 notes in it to keep it open just in case I ever need it.

What you mean here is you HAD $100 in it. Current charges at about ā‚¬4 per half-year will have eroded that dormant balance. The cunts are incredible for extorting the final drop of your blood. Thus the thread title.

There are no charges on the account,every statement I get says the balance is $100.You must only get charged when you withdraw

Thing of nothingā€¦ Still bad PR but Iā€™d say loads of our mortgages same has happened we just donā€™t know

I can support this, having had a US$ account with PTSB since the 90s. They accept lodgement of dollar notes to the account. Handy to keep it active and use up notes from holidays & J1s.

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It was a great way of saving a few bob as i couldnā€™t take it out from over there

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Xoom (fastest) or OFX (lowest costs).

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On week on what?

AML and PEP algorithms gone haywire

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Maybe the party finding ā‚¬180k in cash behind the couch to buy up property in Donegal for Pearse set off some AML alarms in Revolut towers.


Bill Hader Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live

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Just off a 110min (1hr 50mins) call with the bank about restructuring the mortgage because they are only obliged to give a 6 month covid break. Going through every facet of our life, medical history, expenditure, kids activities, pay etc*. At the end he goes, yeah youā€™re not asking for much but I wouldnā€™t get your hopes upā€¦ Cunts


Best of luck with all of that, pal. Donā€™t let the bastards grind you down.


Thatā€™s fuckin disgraceful. How is thay an effecient use of anyones time

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In fairness, Iā€™ve no shortage of time at the moment Gilā€¦


Bastards, report on Morning Ireland about how we have the 2nd highest mortgage interest rates in Europe. Over 1% higher interest rate. Cunts are killing it.

Chin up pal.