Banks - Cunts

Could he not have walked out the door, and walked back in again saying the note had just been gifted to him?

Sure money is money, it was given to hundreds of people before it ended up in Boxty’s hands. A cheque is fair enough.

Banks are funny about $100 bills though. They are the most faked note in the World. In my summers banking we weren’t allowed accept them at all

Shur’ ‘twas only a time wasting tactic from the fucker. If I had a €200 note he’d get it microscopically examined from both sides to kill 10 minutes. I tell you, this bastard isn’t fit to serve 20 customers a day at the speed he operates. I asked the cunt one day was he perfecting his technique in infuriating people, he looked quizzically at me, allowed himself a slow smile, took my transaction and fucked off down the back.
He was back in a few minutes, sorrry about that stuff, have a good day…

Based on my studies of him it’ll take him a fortnight to die suddenly. The cunt.


I’d say you only deal in large bills.

I see the PTSB are stopping doing fx altogether. There’s hardly any reason to set foot in a bank at all.

KBC take 5-7 working days to send out a bank statement (need one for a loan and the last one is just over three months ago.

Advise me that I can go into a bank, the nearest one to me is a four-hour drive. Manager is seeing can they do it any quicker and they by back in touch. ask if they can contact me by email rather than over the phone , response ‘No we don’t have that facility’.

Online banking my arse.

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@croppy_boy getting further into debt just as the country is on the verge of economic collapse

deary deary me

Why did you start banking with them in the first place?

I’m recession-proof buddy.

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They’re slightly less cuntish that the others available.

Doesn’t appear so at the minute.

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@Julio_Geordio or @gilgamboa does this even qualify as news or is it snowflake outrage? The mortgage holder being disillusioned is very odd and random

A thing of nothing. Doesn’t matter a fuck sure. Next weeks headline.

“Bank uses customers deposits to fund loans to other customers”

It’s just how a bank works

An odd article…

Securitisation is a standard mortgage contract clause

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Avant Money, the mortgage provider owned by Spanish banking group Bankinter, is expanding its low-cost mortgage offer to a range of new locations across the State. The move could increase pressure on other lenders to cut rates, with data showing Avant now accounts for almost one in five of all mortgage switches in the Republic.

Avant launched its Irish mortgage product last September, significantly undercutting existing players with its lowest rate of 1.95 per cent available for those whose mortgages are worth 60 per cent or less of the purchase price of their home. However, it initially focused on the five largest cities and their surrounding commuter belts (Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford). Now, it is extending its reach, and from this month will start lending to homeowners based in Athlone, Carlow town, Dundalk, Kilkenny city, Portlaoise and Wexford town.

Mortgage rates
According to the lender, the move will see it covering 71 per cent of properties in the State. It will to extend this further in due course.

Brian Lande, head of mortgages for Avant Money, said: “We are delighted to continue our growth in Ireland and to be bringing low prices to Irish consumers who have been charged the highest mortgage rates in Europe for far too long.”

Avant has also substantially increased the number of brokers it works with, up from 19 when it first launched, to 32. It expects to add to this panel over the coming months.

Unlike other lenders, which often offer cash back on the value of a mortgage or a lump sum to help with the cost of switching, Avant Money focuses on lower rates, a strategy which appears to be working. According to data from the Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland (BPFI), Avant Money approved almost one in five of all switcher mortgages in February.

Switching market
With Ulster Bank in the process of leaving the Irish market, activity is likely to step up in the switching market. The latest BPFI figures for March show that the level of mortgage switching increased to 15 per cent of all mortgage approvals.

Permanent TSB has recently adapted its strategy in this respect, introducing a new low rate of 2.25 per cent for new customers with a loan to value of less than 80 per cent. It is aimed at those customers who want a lower rate, rather than a cash-back offer.

Cash-back offers have attracted criticism from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission for offering poor value for borrowers, as the rates associated with such products mean that homeowners end up paying more for their mortgage.


What’s the best way to transfer a large lump sum from the USA to an Irish bank account? Or is it possible to pay someone direct from the US account and avoid extra charges? Will the banks fleece us? Cc @Tim_Riggins and other money men of tfk.

Telegraphic transfer (TT) direct to end account. About $50 + exchange fees. Can take 4 days, maybe longer with Easter

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I have a Dollar account with AIB from back in the day when I used to send money home.You can transfer into mine for a small fee of course.

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Sure… fire up your Iban and ill sort that straight away! If you have a dollars account is it free to swap it to a euro account at whatever the current exchange rate is? The dollar is rising against the euro and looks to be getting stronger in the short term.

New entrants can compete with lower rates as they aren’t carrying the millstone of legacy tracker mortgages and NPLs.