Banks - Cunts

No they will continue to operate current accounts

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Oops, as @gilgamboa states, the article has been updated and that may no longer be the case. I’m a KBC customer too.

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One advantage of KBC current account is the app is very good. BOIs technology is a shambles


They didn’t invest in technology for years. it was only in the last few years that they have invested in technology but some of the stuff they are using is archaic. I have seen some of the applications that are being used and they look like they were designed when Windows 3.1 was the OS.

Well they can block the sale which would mean they’d either have to keep going, find another buyer or wind up. They’d hardly wind up. But if they did it would be no worse. There will only be really three banks left after this two of those with what 80% of the market. And we already being robbed

If PTSB don’t get the Ulster book they are at nothing either. Limping along.

KBC app is superb.

Are you gonna apologize to Pearse and his 10 year old child?

Why are we losing them is more pertinent…

Interest rates being at an all time low would be my guess.

But you’re looking at over a decade of losing institutions named there.

Lads on here reckon there’s a queue of foreign banks waiting to enter the market but the central bank won’t let them.

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Name those lads …

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Close to Impossible to repossess a mortgage defaulters house and realise their security.

Lads won’t like me saying that.


Pearse should use the Irish version of his surname to avoid these issues.

How many mortgages are defaulted in Ireland? … that’s some picture you paint, give out money knowing a good percentage can’t be paid back then take control of asset to sell/ restart process …but because we make it hard to do that in Ireland these banks are retreating to a climate where they can do this at will…

And that’s civilized way of conducting business.

It’s a shame we won’t be around to see the end of banks next century.

I knew you would not like me saying it.

Unless his child decides to use the platform I don’t see why his info is being sought… Also, Revolut follow UK checks, not Irish checks AFAIK , so you need to be a man and apologize to Pearse here.

I’m surprised the likes of Google or Amazon haven’t set up banks yet.