Banks - Cunts

And utility companies.

They know exactly how you decide to do something too.

Impossible is a bit strong, but a long slog with little upside.

Presumably sinn fein have campaigned against it in the North then?

I think Google are taking their first steps into the crypto market… Keep an eye on it. That’s where we are headed.

I believe the levels of default in Ireland are well below European norms

I don’t know… But Pearse is being accused of signing it into law in Ireland by @Biff_Egan … The FFG stooges want the details of a 10 year old child made ready for a financial institution… That’s what we’re up against.

Fair comment. Not impossible but it’s too protracted. Nobody is saying people should be fucked out on the street but you’ve Ronan Ryan types to deal with if you’re a bank.


Yet defaulted houses are being bought up by private firms and being put on the rental market … So is it the long process that’s putting banks off, or what’s being taken advantage of by private Investors?

Take it up with James Lawless bud. Sounds like the poor fella defamed by being linked to Sleepy Eamon

That’s standard practice as your man was either on or trying to get on the platform… Pearse’s kid wasnt.

Just admit you got it wrong and we can all move on.

Houses are being surrendered rather than repossessed.


54,986 mortgage accounts were in some form of arrears by the end of the year

Just over 5% of accounts - 38,785 in total - were in arrears of more than 90 days

Flesh surrendered out there in relation to what happens the lending institutions rights to reclaim etc.

mortgage-arrears-report.pdf (

“Approximately 66 per
cent of the PDHs repossessed to date are attributable to the property being voluntarily
surrendered or abandoned, with the remainder due to court orders. The retail banks report, that
of the legal cases in progress, 70 per cent of proceedings were initiated due to the borrower
being deemed non-cooperating, and 87 per cent are in arrears over 720 days with an average
arrears balance of over €53,000.3”


Is €53k not high for an average arrears under 2 years ? Or am I reading that right ?

Have KBC been fined for this egregious behaviour?

Pearse should be subject to more AML scrutiny than the common man as a PEP and a benefactor of large property purchase in cash.

over 2 years, so probably in all likelihood over several years. considering the average mortgage is around 1500 per month itd probably be around 5-6 years in arrears

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Ah sorry ,was thinking I misread .makes sense now

You can scrutinize Pearse if he’s using / investing in your service for sure - similarly if you think someone else using / investing in your service is related to him you can also ask them that question… I’m not sure what benefit is gained from grilling Pearse, or anyone, about their 10 year old child … while the child does count as a RCA of a PEP, he’s not using the platform and his info is none of Revolut’s business. As a public figure the identity of his children is no secret, Revolut can do their own checks and research without canvassing Pearse to disclose this.