Banks - Cunts

I’ve had to sort a project with PTSB as the mortgage providers. The worst set up I have ever encountered. They will only release funds to the builder after 50% of the job is complete and is entirely weather tight. If any builder knew that before starting a job they’d walk away. A fucking disaster to deal with, and they seem to think that their mortgage terms are more important than the construction contract.

Ah FFS.No builder will want anything to do with that.Imagine a couple being delighted to be getting a mortgage with these jokers only to find out no builder will want to work with them.Disaster.

I’m in the middle of it right now. Couple are going mad. Trying to get me and the architect to write up a cert to get funds released. We’d look like some cowboys writing up certs that it was half complete and windows and roof on and they barely out of the ground. Tried tell them that our contract is set and whatever is done is done and how they pay the builder is somewhat irrelevant to the project. So having to try get them to get enough in cash to keep the builder going and we’ll just go early with the next claim so that it is at least closer to 50%.

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Absolute cunts.

Held 25k back until completion for some of my clients, da fuck they meant to complete without that???

Most credit unions now have debit cards and online access.
They are generally much easier to deal with than a bank.

I’ve been with PTSB since I was a boy and never had any issue with them to be fair.
None of them are very good or helpful.
Most of the time their job is to funnel everything to the call centre

The BOI in Limerick just has phones on the wall where staff bring you over and sit you down at the phone. It is the most pointless exercise of all time going into a branch. Which is of course exactly what they want


I’m with UB, set up An Post account in about 10 minutes online a few weeks ago including the app, Apple Pay etc, physical card arrived a few days later. It was very straightforward.

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Yep,my wages paid into cu account. All direct debits and standing orders were easy to set up online. Their online app is grand,does the job. Have the card with them since they introduced the current account for same.

See the “Ask Bandage About Mortgages” thread. We’re hoping to complete the mortgage switch before the end of the month. Offer letter signed, all conditions met, solicitors need to do their bits.

What is the online banking like with an An Post current account?

Got 6 months notice from KBC on the joint account and looking to move.

Working out fine for me, apple pay set up, transfers to other accounts etc all smooth. The app is user friendly and easy to set up.


BOI with a record 100m fine for its role in the tracker mortgage fiasco.

Buttons to the cunts, should be people in jail for it


Bring back the bankers bonuses, along with a rule allowing them to be held personally liable if something like that is uncovered again.

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Not to mention laws to enable pursuing directors of companies that build shite apartments etc.

Personal liability is coming next year. It was made law last year and banks are due to have their shit together first by Q1 next year… Other companies to follow as the year unfolds.

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Yet another non prosecution from the CB.

All the powers they have and i cant recall a single prosecution. The tracker scandal was a real opportunity for ghe CB to lay down a marker and prosecute the persons responsible but why bother doing that when they can settle with the bank for a large fine which is passed onto the customer anyway


Revolut dismantling Irish business hub after abandoning its licence plan

That wouldn’t fill you with confidence for an operation which looks shady already

Ive been warning you about these monsters for a while now.