Banks - Cunts

The easiest way to rob the bank is to own the bank.

We called this a rick in the good old days

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I suppose the only laugh would be if BOI systems canā€™t remember any of the transactions tonight. But youā€™d imagine theyā€™ll be putting everyone in arrears and cancelling all transactions to revolut tomorrow

Seems people have possibly been able to make multiple transactions so may be waking up to a few grand of debt.

The Guards are manning the ATMs now anyway.

Hopefully i want my 6 euro s month service charge back off the cunts

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Couldnā€™t happen to a nicer bunch.

Limerick people?

And now the Gardai are out protecting ATMs, where are they when tourists are getting beaten up in Dublin?

Breaking up rows by coked up fat useless Dublin cunts outside chippers?

I said tourists, if you read the post itā€™s the bit where it has the word tourists.

You asked where they were when tourists were being beaten up. I told you they were outside chippers breaking up rows between coked up Dublin fat cunts

Try read the post youā€™re replying to in future please. I donā€™t like posting unnecessarily


Maybe people at ATMs should assault some tourists, the guards will disappear

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Handy that coked up Dublin folk arenā€™t a problem tonight and the Gardai can now go and protect the Bank of Ireland ATMs.


Iā€™m not willing to answer that until you apologise for your error

The boys in india are in for some shock when they wake up to see how the update they uploaded when clocking out yesterday has caused a bank run for paddy. Or they have cleared all funds from BOI. Either way BOI are a shower of cunts

Why are the guards closing ATMs?

The Caseys were gone down with gear bags

Iā€™m proud & relieved that the institution Iā€™m employed by technically isnā€™t defined as a bank & it seems fairly absurd that Gardai were deployed to man-mark ATMs last night. Itā€™s not an either/or choice but they apparently donā€™t have sufficient resources to have adequate city centre patrols or to prevent awkward squad freaks hassling folks working in libraries. But they can assemble to stand beside machines? The bank will get the money back & will be entitled to it so the Gardai were essentially just trying to make the admin task a little more straightforward for some reason.