Banks - Cunts

Ah in fairness the guards have to act fast if thereā€™s a hint that banks might lose a few bob.

Those vermin cunts will start robbing the robbers

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Would not like to be in the BOI disaster recovery team tonight.

Surely they should have a switch to stop people withdrawing in the case of something like this

Twill make for grim viewing for some fellas opening the BOI app after Ashutosh imports the transaction logs from last night.

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Irish Times readers just had the money appear in their account unsolicited.

Large queues had formed at Bank of Ireland ATMs around the country on Tuesday night as customers of the bank rushed to exploit a computer glitch which allowed them to withdraw hundreds of euro even if they had little or no money in their accounts.

The queues formed as people reported ā‚¬1,000 appearing unsolicited in their accounts on Tuesday evening with scores of complaints also appearing on social media, as customers contacted Bank of Ireland, saying they were unable to access their accounts online or the Bank of Ireland mobile application.

As a gesture of goodwill bank of Ireland should throw everyone a grand.


How did they know there was ā‚¬1000 extra in the account if they couldnā€™t access their accounts?

Thatā€™s an interesting observation.

They could transfer 1000 into their Revolut accounts.
Then withdrew that.

Fuck it, worth a shot. Fuck banks.

It seems dvilence and anti social behaviour was breaking out at the atm queues. Poor Gardai having to deal with that shite. I wouldnā€™t do that job for love nor money. Not even the 1000e

People interviewed on the radio genuinely believed it was free money. Iā€™d worry for the next couple of generations if thatā€™s whatā€™s breeding them


ā‚¬20 a week

Thereā€™s always been idiots mate.

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They should throw those of us who werenā€™t foolish enough to go queue at ATMs last night a grand


Thereā€™s plenty in the previous generations who woulda thought likewise

Hardly surprising . Youā€™ve people who wonā€™t return to the office to work because they decided to buy a house down the sticks during covid or because theyā€™ve had a baby and canā€™t get a child minder now. Apparently the company has a cheek to ask them to return . Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone now .

Anyone withdrawing money that isnā€™t theirs is a thief. Fucking idiots.

As for the banks, more thieves and idiots.

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Weā€™ve a lad who lives about 20 mins walk from the office who says he canā€™t come in cos he canā€™t make arrangements for the dog he bought a year ago and doesnā€™t want to leave it alone in his 1 bed apartment all day long. I admire the brazen idiocy of it all to be honest


Dog people are fucking weirdos to a man.