Banks - Cunts

Thatā€™s a fair dunt at @thomas_brady

Weā€™ve a one in work who has 3 or 4 pictures of her dog hanging up in her cubicle. Few others might have 1 or 2 of a baby or a small family portrait but this ones display is like a shrine by comparison.

Iā€™m guessing she doesnā€™t have a child?

We had one of them at work, since had a child and the poor dog barely gets a mention. Previously weā€™d have been kept up to date with all the dogs crazy antics.


Where are the gardai he says.

why are there gardai he says

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Then you have the blowhards online who moan if the Gardai do something if a tourist is attacked.

Poor ol Gardai. They get a nawful doing.

You guessed right.
Frequently when they are new starters there is a bit of a profile about them from HR too sent to everyone by email. Bit like what youā€™d see on an old GAA programme. Bit of a spiel around favourite movie/book, interests, favourite food etc. Youā€™d get a few ā€œcat momsā€ or ā€œdog momsā€ in our place.


The freakiest type. Youā€™d never engage in small talk with these folk.


Iā€™d say the Bank wonā€™t be getting the free money back too handy from people queuing up at an atm machine in their pyjamas


I was just thinking alright letā€™s say youā€™ve a zero in your account and they minus the 1k. If you never used the account again what could they do?

take it to court and get a judgement against you, p[lus costs. and youd also have a very large black mark against you on the credit register

Iā€™d say Deco is very worried about his credit rating.


Deco has the flights to Santa Ponsa, and the accommodation, booked already.

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no hes not but thereā€™s plenty of not decos that went out last night taking out money who will be worried about a negative credit rating


Where can you view your current rating?

how long does that take?

Weā€™re going the way of the yanks so? Had never realised there was an individual credit rating metric tbh.