Banks - Cunts

The closer you work with bank systems the more you wish you knew nothing. Not that long ago that their ‘clearing’ system was based on exchanging tapes in a Dublin carpark in the evening time

I worked on the counter in the PTSB for a few summers and the system was basically running on a dos style platform.
Every action had a number, 1. lodgements, 2. Withdrawals etc
No such thing as a mouse, you just tabbed through the lines. If you fucked up an entry on a line above you’d to tab back through the whole page to fix it.
A bastard of a thing to get used to, but once you had it figured out it was strangely efficient in it’s own way.
That was a long time ago now. Nearly 15 years, getting old.
They’d tried multiple upgrades over the years, but nothing ever worked. They’ve improved the interface since, but as far as I know it was all still working off the old code, just the new face on top.

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I was in Ulster Bank last year working on switching mortgages. The machine they were inputted info into was a Windows 2000 operating system. Impressively lax.

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This bad boy right here?

Get paid on the 22nd.


Similar anyway

Probably all outsourced.

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@KinvarasPassion has the boys in Hyderabad on the issue already


AS400 at its finest by the look of it


If you need cash they charge you 2 per cent for withdrawals after 200/400/600 per month depending on plan you are on

Rajesh will fix it after the dinner.


If you’re lucky.

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Great timing from BOI. Payday for loads of people and just in time for Black Friday.


The first blow against the consumerism destroying our planet.

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It must really sting you @jellyfish


Ha! Can’t say it does as I don’t bank with them so wasn’t affected.

Shoals of other folk got stung then.

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And the only way to get relief is for someone to piss on you

Say you’re thinking of applying for a loan or mortgage and don’t want your bank to see that you spend €100 a week with Paddy Power, fly regularly to Amsterdam or have a large loan repayment. Well put all the dodgy stuff on the Revolt card and tell them you use that for your day to day living expenses.

Very often in organisations running these systems you have people who have been using the thing for 15 years, know all its quirks inside out, and can bat out all the various key combinations in their sleep. This makes it much faster for these people to do things in what essentially looks like a game of Pong, rather meandering their way through more modern systems with lots of clicking. Unsurprisingly, these people are very resistant to change.