Banks - Cunts

Ive used wise for share sale transfers in dollars to euro for large amounts and when checking at the time it was the cheapest

I think the AML threshold may be lower as people are wide to the floor limits and banks are hyper vigilant not to be caught in a sanctions breach

5 similar transactions may draw more scrutiny than one big one

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He may put it in the spare tyre well soā€¦

They changed that to 4 grand now

Agreed, Wise is excellent. My accountant appreciates their reporting too.

Revolut is mostly fine as well. Just donā€™t be a cabbage with your phone for the time it is sitting there or youā€™ll end up in a Conor Pope article.

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4k ?

That is very low. Almost on the 3k annual gift exemption limit.

Thereā€™s lads around here earning that every week.

Thats what i was told, the treashold is 4k due to anti money laundering legislation

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If Iā€™m not mistaken if you rack up ten k worth of a bill they are obliged to notify what relevant party I thought.

AIB issued card machines down this morning it would appear. They use Clover.

Correct. Better to have one big transaction than multiple smaller ones

Panic stations in The Orange Goat this morning when a cash only directive was issued.

He isnā€™t. He needs to pay for flooring as well as other sundries, some in cash.
Would you say revolut is best avoided, and is any safer?
Both are offering 0.6cents better than his usual broker.
He usually transfers money into his ptsb account and spends from there.