Banks - Cunts

They haven’t the capacity to deal with what’s being asked of them. Quare lot of request coming in like. Zero time to ramp up and dwindling staff numbers.


Joe Duffy and his contributors are cunts. Like Jack and Oisin.

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They should just give an auto approval for these. No credit decision required. If a fella asks for it give it. 90% of people will genuinely need it. Thw cost of giving it to the other 10% of pisstakers will still be cheaper than doing any kind of due diligence

I agree. We should all be applying for it. They should save us the hassle and just give it to us all.


I’ve an option to fix the mortgage at 2.45% for five years. Should I go ahead or expect variable rates to hit the floor soon?

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Banks cant afford to let the variable drop much below that if we go into huge recession

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The poor crayturs.


Used like joe one time,but God last few years he’s a cross between a social worker and a plamaser

Im on 1.75 in UK. 2 year fixed. They can afford it they just dont want to.

Anyone’s revolut not working?


I can log into it. I used it in a shop earlier

If you dont at least have 20k in cash handy on you right now you’ve fucked up . Banks will be gone in a few weeks . Wall street is shut .

You need gold. Cash will be only good for lighting a fire.

Your missus be selling her hole for chickens . It’s called barter

Chicken of the caves.

So what do ye make of this lads. I told ye awhile ago I paid off a good bit of the mortgage there and had war with them over a supposed missed payment. It subsequently transpired that they then recalculated my payments and brought down my payments by about €200 a mo th but still over the lifetime of the original mortgage. Cue another fucking row but anyway I resigned myself to defeat and just decided to transfer the extra payments myself with online banki g every month. Same thing in April.
Got a letter yesterday with a cheque for 900 notes apologising for the "inconvenience " caused and they still can’t get get it right. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. (Well I laughed actually)


What had you wanted to shorten the length of the mortgage?

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When I was making a capital repayment, I had to put in writing whether I wanted to reduce the term or repayment amounts.

What do you mean? I paid off a lump sum and brought down the capital. I wanted to keep paying the same amount though every month which meant I would have it paid off in about 5 years.