Banter or Racism

Democracy in my view depends on numerous things in order to be in any way effective.

Some of them are:

Regulation. That corporate influence in politics and law is curbed to the maximum.

An informed citizenry. That means corporate and hostile extra-state influence over news media and social media is curbed to the maximum because such things lead to the spread of lies and demagogues. Technology and its changing nature unfortunately make that increasingly hard to do. Education from an early age is vital. The whole system everywhere and its information overload, clickbait nature and the increasing replacement of journalism with infotainment, really is increasingly rigged in favour of encouraging widespread stupidity, but in some places a lot more than others.

I think one of the reasons countries like the Nordic countries and Holland are relatively successful at doing this is because they are small and speak languages that are not widely spoken outside their countries. But then again you could say the same for Hungary, and democracy is n tatters in that country. Hungary was not as well developed a democracy however, having only had it since 1990.

The electoral system itself. There is no perfect system, but the US and UK systems are awful and lead to a two party system and a disenfranchisement of large swathes of the population.

The integrity of the electoral system itself. That it not be abused by corrupt political actors who are overseeing it.

No democracy passes all these tests with flying colours.

The US fails miserably on all counts and is by a distance the worst democracy in the developed world, because it has been systematically abused and demolished by the most harmful and dangerous political entity in the developed world, the Republican party.

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What a fantastic democracy, where one can pay a few mates (who happen to be black) to stage a fake racist attack, go on TV demanding to be taken seriously as a victim, and get the full benefit of due process. Only in America :clap::clap:.

Your new strategy seems to be: find as many ā€œfakeā€ racist attacks as possible in order to pretend racism is not a problem.

You should try that with rape and see how you get on.

Fucking racist weirdo.

The leftists have been decimated. Not a peep out of the cunts who were calling this incident a ā€œmodern day lynchingā€ a week ago. This is going to be a hard one to recover from, from the lovely sugarbabe Kamala and the ugly self proclaimed molester Booker.

I canā€™t wait for the Democratic primaries, itā€™s going to be carnage. The way things are going one of the old rich white guys is likely to win.

Finally we have motive. The poor misfortune was highlighting the fact that he was underpaid. How the fuck are you expected to live on $1.7 million a year in this day and age?

@anon7035031 seems to be alll over this Jussie Smollett story, devoting all his time to researching it and all.

I think itā€™s because Smollett is black and @anon7035031 sees the story as an attack on his own whiteness.

And if thereā€™s one thing @anon7035031 doesnā€™t like, itā€™s whiteness being attacked.

This is @anon7035031ā€™s hour. This is what he has been waiting for.

Heā€™s going to go to war for his race.


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Them women shouldnā€™t be let near the internet

Pathetic (from the indo)

They even publish the offensive (!) photo

Stupid from yer man ā€¦but news worthy?

Most of what is journalism now is lads trawling social media for some indiscretion.

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He looks as thick as a ditch tbh

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The photo itself is good quality banter. I laughed.


Thats quality.


That really damages Sinn Feins attempt to be an umbrella organisation for all in Northern Ireland

One of @Turenneā€™s homies