Banter or Racism

Who would?


Everyone acknowledges the poor standard of Serie A. Take the black players out of it and it would regress even further. Clubs would ban all racist chants pronto if black players decided to boycott it in order to get them back.

By everyone do you mean bartstool EPL fans?

You want the black payers to refuse to sign for Italian clubs?

No, I mean knowledgeable football fans.

TFK phrenology society hard at work here

Sounds like you mean bartstool EPL fans though.

Serie A teams’ performances in Europe last season was pitiful. The facts show Serie A is of a poor standard.

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I think it shows how EPL sides have bought referees.

Hard to see that ever happening Serie A



Progressive Liberal darling Justin Trudeau is “disappointed in myself” as a photo emerges of him wearing a turban and brown face at a party in 2001.

Racist shithead.


I actually think this is pretty harmless. The screaming lefties hate this sort of thing though so I’d imagine they will be consistent and come after Mr Trudeau like they would if this was a Republican politician



Agreed. Sure everyone has a few skeletons in their closet.


Justin Trudeau is in more trouble.

What a racist thing for him to do.

He really should stand his ground. He’s only sorry it’s been published.

The fact Justin Trudeau is apologizing for this is making him a parody of himself .

I worked in an accountancy office in Dublin before and there were a couple of South Africans working there. For the South African world cup they used to go blackface into the townships with Vuvuzelas as a show of solidarity and doing their bit to unify the country. How they didn’t get lynched I don’t know but South Afrcians have to be some of the most racist people on the planet.