Banter or Racism

Savage foresight from Ballinahinch GAA to know George Floyd would become famous

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Classic, his makeup is so bad, it’s hilarious!

Bernard O Byrne is in bother

Not sure what is going on here. This is in Corriere dello Sport. Is this because the Italians assume the black fella is robbing Chiellinis house?

Stop being racist mate

I’m going to go out on a limb here and go for racism on that one.


We need a black guy to make the call here. Who’s our resident African American?

We have a Russian, a few white Americans, an Italian and a Turkish but I don’t think we have any black Americans.

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Is that Tommy Cooper?

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I can’t believe Hootsuite is still a thing

The Italians are fierce racist

Unreal and they had the cheek to criticise the English a few months back.


It’s an English language account, the employee that handled the account was English.

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they even put the emojis in to match the pics :eek: