Batshit Israeli Propaganda Log Thread

Trump adviser Matthew Brodsky:

Ghoul Hen Mazzig:

"On Bloody Sunday in Derry, healthcare workers reported that they saw bullet wounds in dozens of people. A normal observer would highlight that they did not observe British Army paratroopers shooting those people. They might have highlighted alternate, equally probably scenarios, that the IRA, or anyone, could have shot the people with stolen British weapons.

That’s not journalism, that’s anti-British racism."


LOOK OVER THERE, says Jonathan Freedland of The Guardian, British historian Simon Schama, and Countdown cretin Rachel Riley.

None of them give a shit about Sudan.


Actual shameless supporters of rape baselessly accusing others of same. That’s right-wing insanity for ya.


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The passive voice is applied to Israeli genocide and the active voice is applied to food! :face_vomiting:

I don’t know if the chap tweeting is a headbanger or not, but he’s making the point you have previously about how the media frames this stuff.

He’s a pro-Russia, pro-Assad, pro-Iran propagandist.

The point he makes here is correct. But his job is to be a propagandist. Headbanger propagandists lure people in by coming across as “reasonable” on certain issues.

The way this works is that social media - and by extension real politics - has been divided into basically two camps on the Russian war against Ukraine/Israel’s war on Gaza and Lebanon.

One camp supports Israel and Ukraine. The other camp supports Russia and Gaza/Hezbollah/Assad/Iran/China etc.

You’ll get the likes of Anne Applebaum writing excellent articles about Russia’s war on Ukraine and all the disinformation and covert Russian influence in the west including their support for Trump and the far right in Europe that goes with it. And then she’ll be completely silent about Israel. And lots of people in her geopolitical “camp” will behave in the same manner as fanatical Russian propagandists do when it comes to Israel’s genocide.

The likes of Alan MacLeod will tell you the truth about Israel, because it suits them. But their job is to propagandise for Russia, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and China. And to push pro-Trump talking points as regards the US and push batshit conspiracism in general. Basically his core audience is @glenshane. But he’ll try and lure unsuspecting idiots into his wider agenda by posing as a reasonable citizen of the world appalled at Israel’s genocide. He operates in exactly the same manner as Russia Today did/does, with enticing slogans like “Question More”.

Normal people’s default position is to sympathise with both Ukraine and the innocent people of Gaza and Lebanon.

But social media is organised to offer basically no outlet for reasonable people. Social media offers only a binary choice between supporting Ukraine and Israel or supporting Russia and Gaza/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran etc.

This is a situation which suits the people who run social media and suits the two opposing geopolitical camps. It drives clicks, it drives ratings, it drives hopelessness, it benefits despots and despotism.

The likes of Alan MacLeod are symbols of the trap social media has laid to ensnare the world.


I’m very relieved I qualified my last post by leaving it open that the chap was a headbanger. I just sensed he probably was but had been correct on this point.


MacLeod writes for an entity called MintPress News. It seems loosely allied to what is being called “MAGA Communism”, ie. it poses as far left but its real purpose is to destroy mainstream liberal democracy from the “left”, in order to aid to the far right and especially the Russia/China/Iran/Assad axis. It’s virulently anti-Semitic in the real sense, hates Israel not because it really opposes what Israel does because they are Jews, and in reality treats the innocent people of Gaza and Lebanon as mere pawns who are convenient to them.

Glenn Greenwald is heavily allied with this strain of batshittery. Glenn Greenwald is Jewish. It doesn’t have to make sense. Deeply narcissistic actors see the INTERNET above all as an opportunity for notoriety and $$$$$$$. Principles don’t come into it because these people don’t have any.

However what they offer can be a pretty seductive narrative, one only needs to look at the pathetic interview by Emily Thornberry on Channel 4 News this evening to see why. This interview was almost performance art, a caricature of a limp wristed “social democrat” reciting “Israel has a right to defend itself”, followed by the blandest platitides to try and dissociate themselves from genocide while at the same time visibly wincing when trying to utter the most tepid criticism possible of Israel, and then backing out even of that criticism.

Thornberry’s body language was fascinating. She knew full well she was defending the indefensible and reciting a whole word salad. It reminded me of David Brent having to apologise to Tim after sacking him for mistakenly assuming he’d created the picture of Brent as a sex object which was passed around the office, when it had actually been Chris Finch who had done it (bloody good rep).

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Didn’t I tell you ages ago she was a gobshite.

My position on her hasn’t changed. There are far worse out there people than her and to be honest she was probably a bad example in the previous post. As far as I can see she’s at least had the mild decency to remain largely silent about Israel rather than steam in in active support, presumably because she knows that what Israel is doing cannot be defended. But to be silent is still a massive moral failure and it makes you a hypocrite.

She did say some absolutely batshit stuff about Palestine in 2002 to be fair.

But right now I’d class the current US administration’s position as far worse to be honest. But Harris needs to win, and we all know why. The alternative is the victory of outright fascism worldwide.

I don’t know who runs this “Elma Ryder” account but it’s definitely Irish based and has always been massively pro-Fine Gael and massively pro-Israel. As far as this account is concerned Israel is the perpetual victim in every way possible and it is impossible for Israel to do any wrong. It’s another account you’d suspect Eoghan Harris or David Quinn might be behind along with that “Samuel J. Rosenfeld” account.

I love the way accounts like this pretend to be decent people who are oh so polite with their Twitter clique and vicious to anybody who crosses them. They’re just decent, polite people who like a bit of genocide. Decent Nazis.

Love to the family.

What Elma really wanted to say:

Oh I so feel your pain, dear Israeli friend. The pain I most feel is the pain of those who consider themselves racially superior and want to genocide those pesky brown people. The pain they feel when they get a bit of a blowback. You’re white, and so are we. No racially superior “westerner”, of “western values” and sexy Eurovision pop stars (you’re just like us white westerners, remember) should EVER have to suffer the slightest bit of blowback from those racially inferior oppressed terrorist brown people, those racially inferior brown people are ALL terrorists, let’s not forget. Only racially superior Judeo-christian white westerners can feel pain. Those nasty terrorist nakbars are incapable of feeling pain, because they aren’t even human.

Love to the family

It’s tragic to think that harmless, easily influenced lads like @BruidheanChaorthainn and @Bandage might be impressed by this wankathon.

What in gods name are you are talking about

I think he’s saying he desperately needs a wank but he can’t have one because the horse dewormer has banjoed his willy.

You seem to one of the few to take these infantile narcissistic dullards seriously. The sad truth is that they’ve no-one, apart from one another, to swap this shite with. And one probably despises the other…so god only knows the level of contempt they feel for you.