Batshit Israeli Propaganda Log Thread

Berlinā€™s official city portal just wrote our film No Other Land has ā€œantisemitic tendenciesā€. A film that won the Berlinale and was recently invited to a special screening in the German embassy in Israel. It pains me to see how, after murdering most of my family in the holocaust, you empty the word antisemitism of meaning to silence critics of Israelā€™s occupation in the West Bank (the topic of our film) and legitimize violence against Palestinians. I feel unsafe and unwelcome in Berlin of 2024 as a left-wing Israeli and will take legal action.

In 1 hour we have a screening of the film in front of 500 people at Berlinā€™s Academy of Arts - which is funded by the state. How can me and @basel_adra share our work in a city which incites violence against us? What is going on?


Crapo by name, Crapo by nature