Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Wars & Star Trek - Earth calling Orson

First episode is decent. Visually pleasing like the films.

First episode of Skeleton Crew is very very promising. A lovely vibe to it.

Dune is excellent.

3 episodes into The Skeleton Crew and it’s an absolute delight. A beautiful mix of Amblim, Goonies, Stand By Me all wrapped up in the Star Wars universe. And the Easter eggs :clap:

Neel must never be harmed.

Looks very Firefly/GOTG.

It was too goonies for me but i only gave it 20 mins

WTF is wrong with The Goonies???

It’s not what i want from my space adventures. I’ll come back to it in a few months…ive too many other shows on @StoneCold

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People don’t have the attention span nowadays

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Watch that Lakers one mate

I saw it at the time… I’m only watching Silo and The Agency currently…

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Silo is daycent but much like all these type shows they’ll never finish it satisfactorily

‘Silo’ is a load of shite.

I binged S1 but as usual with these shows once it goes into S2 you realise they’ve no real idea where they’re going. The ‘Lost’ syndrome.

If you’re from farming stock you’d always associate a silo with a load of shite.

Poor name for a series.

You’re talking slurry

They’re never far from one another.

Skeleton Crew is simply marvelous

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Different class :clap:

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