BBC Sports Personality of the Year

As I said in my previous post, modesty and humbleness is typical of the calibre of man who fills that famous British Loins jersey.

But there’s a steely inner confidence that accompanies those qualities.

This is what separates winners from losers.

Judy Murray Sports Personality of the year.

She’s looking particularly fetching tonight.

Judy Murray is a wonderful person and a great friend to Irish tennis.

Andy Murray, the greatest tennis player in the world, aided by the fact that he’s not a juiced to his back teeth filthy Spaniard.

The Bbc really hate Andy Murray no-showing the event again.

Andy was looking fresh and fragrant acc to the dyke

Thats a fantastic tribute to Anne Williams

Greg Dyke is no longer involved with the BBC, mate.

Christ, you’d be in bits after that.

Yeah very emotional tribute there. :frowning:

Why isn’t Scotty Waites nominated for the overall award?

Shocking him and Taylor were overlooked.

That was a very poignant tribute to Anne Williams. The BBC are very good at things like that.

Has Dave Whelan mentioned his leg was broke yet?

@Sidney can perhaps confirm, but I believe Lineker was wrong, Ronnie Whelan was captain on that fateful day, not Hansen.

He hates being in the limelight. Fair play to the programme makers for convincing him to take part.

Women golfers :smiley:

@Sidney[/USER] @[USER=377]Manuel Zelaya


Go on the British lions