BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

You’re some operator :clap:

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Can I call over for a BBQ someday?

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I think the title thread sums up @TreatyStones beautifully :joy:

I love them all equally

Did a whole fish on the barbecue there tonight. Sea bream. Fish was lovely but the technique isn’t right yet. Over did the second side and it stuck to the grill. First time doing a fish so we will take the learnings and move on.


Its tricky. I’ve yet to get it spot-on even once

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That looks absolutely smashing.

I’m planning to get a BBQ this summer. My wife is veggie so I could do the chicken skewers and the veggie skewers and then mix it in with the curry. Unrale.

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@TreatyStones et al.

I was having a look at some BBQ (and grill :astonished:) options online today. I’ve never owned a BBQ in my life. I mentioned it to the Mrs and she said she’d eyed up a small one for me lately as my birthday is coming up soon, etc.

This was the one she saw. Would it do the job?

57cm isn’t small as the charcoal ones go. That’s the same size as the one I have and it’s ideal
I haven’t used that particular one, but for the money it’s a good job. Only thing it lacks is a place to hold the lid when you take it off.


Good stuff. This was the one I told herself I had been looking at. Only problem is that it’s double the price :rofl::see_no_evil:. Still seemed decent value to me for the piece of kit.

It’s been well worth it, with minimal maintenance it should last years and you won’t have that itch to upgrade it.

Is it the master touch you have yourself?

Ya pretty sure it’s the same as that one.

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Looks the right job alright.

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Can’t you slide it back and the bracket holds it?

Not sure the first one that he posted has that.

The more expensive master touch model has it alright.

Im going to smash this bad boy. Reverse sear shtyle



Are those pizza ovens for bbqs any use ?

Pizzas seem like a lot of hassle. I’ve never tried one in the bbq

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