Best New Poster 2017

I would like to nominate alright sort @SWOSIreland

You and he can fuck right off.

+1. He seems like a thoroughly decent chap.

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was thinking that to myself earlier.

he is very pleasant

He’s like the anti- @backinatracksuit


Who’s this now?

Some gaming nerd the lads are taking the piss out of

Ah here :joy:

@Visalia has this wrapped up

you are a very paranoid person

one of my new year resolutions is to be nicer to people. Welcoming posters like @SWOSIreland is going to be the new norm around here



Hi Mac,

Im guessing you are thinking that a leopard cant change his spots but in reality my snarly personality over the last while was just an internet persona and that its easily changed.

Looking forward to a cordial 2017 on here with my e-friends and old adversaries




The old Mac would have made fun of your typo about snarly personal but the new Mac will wish you and yours all the best for the new year.

Thanks mate

Cheers for the nomination @carryharry and cheers for the love @ChocolateMice

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Can the new @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy be considered here?
I’d say he’d walk it with his sunny disposition.

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As soon as I see you embrace other threads and not use this forum as a tool to advertise I will love you endlessly, mate. Until then I despise everything you stand for.

I dont know who the fuck you are, but I don’t fucking like you. Look what you’ve done to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
You can fuck right off.


he has a passion for gaming and by looking at that thread so it seems has a few others. Hopefully over the next few months we will see different aspects of his e-persona emerge. Who knows , he maybe a Limerick FC or a Shamrock rovers fan :slight_smile:

Is it too early to lock the thread?