I dont regard you as a moderator tho rocko in the boards sense
you ( i presume ) own this site with Dunph, so therefore its of your own interest and you enjoy having the banter online
But who owns boards.ie??
is it a group of people, are the admins like shareholders or something? who is the freak behind it all?
I just noticed moderators only have power to ban you from their forum- not the Board as a whole. Turenne, how many forums would it take to get banned from for a complete ban?
Who fucking cares?
so why would someone choose to act as a moderator on someone else’s internet forum ? its fucked up
I get paid 49% of all revenue the site takes in for my role as a mod and i get to feel like a big man as well threatening people with bans etc. You were quite right earlier when you said the boards mods do it as they have sexual and emotional issues. They also do it for no financial gain. Losers. :lol:
its asking me to login.
why in god’sname would i want to do that? are you trying to encourage registration for this ?
No, sorry Mick. It should go to the Limerick forum.
this one?
The cunt bag will receive a love letter everyday
3-4 I’d say CM. Depends mainly on what you do and how close in time the bans are. Sending abusive PMs to a mod will be autoban though.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Cunts closed it…
same people own Daft.ie, The journal.ie and boards.ie and a few more. Eamon Fallon is one don’t know the rest
Distilled Media i think they are called
Disappointing to see a fellow TFK man close the thread…
:lol: ahoy sailor.
Referees can’t become referees, ya dork
See the way the mods post in bold to show how important they are.